Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A life worth Simming

In 4th year of university, most of my roommates were addicted to the Sims 2. The Sims 2 was a mega step up from the first iteration as it let you test out couples before you started games, and you could see what kind of children they would likely create together. Thus, we were able, through some subtle adjustments to facial features, able to almost ensure only cute babies. Cute babies, well matched couples in stylish outfits, who lived in houses that I would usually furnish courtesy various cheat codes that got me extra money.... it is unsurprising that for a bunch of girls on the cusp of the end of our undergrads, facing a big scary world, the control inherent in the Sims was comforting.

At times I still wish life was like that. Having my career all mapped out for me, being able to build an addition onto my house whenever necessary, knowing if I'm going to make cute babies with guys I meet.... it's an attractive prospect. The real world can be tough. It's an adventure and the days that I pull it off it feels amazing, but there are still days when the uncertainty is tough.

But maybe I should live my life more like the Sims - make sure I take the time to develop my competencies (logic via chess but for that I hate chess), take the time to work on my friendships (it could advance my career after all) and make sure I sleep enough (overtired Sims absolutely weep, often when I have kept them up for way too long trying to develop their skills to get a promotion faster, ooh that's reflective of my life). But I should probably stop peering at guys' features to try and determine what's recessive and dominant.

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