Sunday, November 28, 2010


The only downside to a super awesome Saturday? The recovery on Sunday.

Today, J took off not long after breakfast and since then I have been going, doing laundry, washing all the dishes we created, getting ready for a week at work, running errands, etc. I tweeted earlier 'Am trying to ignore how much I can get done when I'm up before 10 on a Sunday as it will NOT become a habit...' as when I put my mind to it I can get a lot done, but to be honest, I like my sleep more.

I may also have taken a tylenol or two to get rid of the slight wine headache I have. I have really lost my tolerance over time, only half a bottle - it's a little concerning.

I keep saying that despite being an outwardly responsible adult (I go to work, pay my mortgage) - I use that as an excuse to have my completely irresponsible moments, drinking (though I only had ONE margarita at the game last night, it was weird), sleeping in and at times only having a passing acquaintance with homemade, nutritious meals. I, um, may have bought Dunkaroos on a whim today at the store. But hey - I was also buying garbage bags, swiffer pads and yogourt so it all evens out - right?

In any case, just doing a few last tidies around here before I head to my parent's for dinner and then to celebrate my mother's birthday (and my uncle's) with the extended clan, may or may not glance at the Grey Cup but in any case Go Als!


x-ine said...

Glad you were cheering for the right team! A great game and win - and I am still full from the delicious food we had at my parents' house.

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