But first, carrying on my earlier commitment of this month to be a little less negative, I present to you some good news. We spend so much of our lives focused on sad/bad stories (explosions, serial killers, the economy) that when something nice comes along, it's hard not to smile.
First - some time next summer I get to sit down with some of my besties, wear flowery hats and drink (hopefully) spiked iced tea as we watch a royal wedding.
(P.S. I want the dress and the ring. I, like Miss Middleton, carry off blue very well)
Second - the Leafs are losing.
(I know it's not exactly NEWS but it's a good thing, sign everything is right in the world, and I really need some positivity in this area, am still tanking in my hockey pool)
Third - on a somewhat more serious, but still cheering note, the Globe and Mail published today an article showing that support and prevalence of female circumcision in Africa is declining due to educational and other public policy campaigns. There is a place for tradition in this world, but not when it places the health and safety of millions of girls at risk. However, many countries in Africa are putting emphasis and energy against this barbaric practise and their work is starting to pay off.
Fourth - on the topic of development, I got an e-mail today that one of my Kiva loans has been paid off in full! Kiva is an online microlending charity, I recieved a gift certificate for it a few years ago at Christmas, and have really enjoyed reading different candidates' applications for funds and seeing the money come back in. While there are certainly concerns about microloans in some areas, as today is about positivity, I acknowledge those concerns but in my research have found only good things about Kiva and the field organizations it looks at. If you're starting to look for Christmas presents for people, I would urge you to consider it, and see what positivity you can bring into someone's life.
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