As I have previously mentioned, I am about to start a new job, and the last day in my current job is tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the people I've worked with and the subject matter has been really interesting. At times a little TOO interesting, we could have lived without a couple of headlines that made the papers but, oh well.
I've been purposely a bit vague about details on here, as this blog is still technically pseudonymous, but these cookies that I will be bringing in tomorrow will give you a bit of a hint about what kind of work I've been doing:

They're supposed to be atoms. I think they're pretty cool, and I know they're quite delicious since they are based on a Pioneer Woman recipe. I intend people to remember that not only was I a hard worker, an easy going and amusing coworker, and smart - but that I also brought in some delicious treats from time to time. I am sure that will assure me a good reference down the line.
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