My dear x-ine and I have only known each other for about three years but in that time have discovered many similarities. At times we have even been mistaken for sisters (several times a day on occasion). This may be due to the fact that despite our different backgrounds (hers, Egyptian and British: mine, Irish to the hilt), our colouring and dress styles are rather similar.
We also both wear glasses and have a tendency to pepper conversation with a mix of incredibly nerdy scientific anecdotes, sports stories and gossip (both our own and the silly TV shows we both watch - see below recent twitter convo about One Tree Hill (OTH) - a classic).

Over time we have independently bought the same shirts (worn the same day), and
many other similar items (beyond the various pieces of fleece we both wore up north - below is the two of us in the midst of field work both wearing a long sleeved white tee that day).
But it was only recently we both bought the same thing together (since we now inhabit different cities and the likelihood of wearing it at the same is thus significantly reduced). We both bought this scarf in a little Greek boutique in my new hood when she visited last month.
Isn't it pretty?
I'm kind of obsessed with it. It's colour scheme of gold, white, pink, red and brown flatters and coordinates with many outfit options. Today I paired it with jeans, a white tee and pink canvas runners but it has gone with brown dress pants and shoes with equal ease. There is enough dark brown verging on black that you cxan also throw some black in, along with either silver or gold.
As my long term challenge wardrobe wise this year has been to dress appropriately for work without looking like a banker, this scarf, with its bright colours yet traditional pattern, is a great tool in my arsenal. I've found a few tutorials on how to tie a scarf that have also been great fun to experiment with.
More on my wardrobe for work challenges to come, along with gros bissous for x-ine!
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Love you too!!!
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