Monday, November 29, 2010

In summary...

... or - what have you learned this month?

I love to bake, just not so much cook. I had dinner out tonight, for the sake of expediency of course, but will be home tomorrow night.... it may be another chicken sandwich, sorry guys.

I love my friends, and miss them when they are off having awesome adventures. I also love the ones that are still in town, to go see Harry Potter with me tonight.

I have terrible taste in TV - wait, UPDATE. I am rather upset as I have found out that the star of Hellcats has publicly questioned evolution. Um, I'm really not down with that, so may have to rethink my support of the show (if I support it at all by watching it on

I am incredibly neurotic at times. Seeing as tomorrow is my spin class (which I skipped last week due to the new job and actually kinda missed, scary), my clothes are all laid out already so I can just crawl out of bed as late as possible.

AND if I tell enough people and take it as a personal challenge - I can do NABLOPOMO! Phew, it is nice to have this done with, it has been hard coming up with something to say every day as my life is not that interesting (as seen in my number of readers not exactly skyrocketing). But I do appreciate you sticking with me through the month, and hopefully as I see what comes next - just not updating quite as often...

I may not be off having exciting trips but I did take the time to think to myself on the way home tonight, that things are pretty good.Just in this past month I have started a great new job, seen some of my good friends, had some good drinks, met new and interesting people. I posted earlier in the month about positivity and this blog, taking the time at the end of my day to think of something to say to the internet, has often been a nice moment for reflection. Here's to what I'll be reflecting on next, ta for now.

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