I start my new job on Monday! As much as I've enjoyed these last few months of relaxation, sleeping in, leisurely breakfast and many coffee dates, daytime TV.... I am actually quite ready to get started. I think all my paperwork is all lined up, I have lunch makings for next week, all I have to do is figure what to wear out of my almost completely untouched 'work' portion of my closet (except for that it will involve argyle).
I just want to make clear to you, dear readers, that this is my first job ever. I worked all throughout undergrad during the summers, but a summer job is very different from one that could possibly be the start of a thirty odd year career. Up to now, the jobs I have held include:
- Babysitter (started when I was 13, and actually took it up again this fall)
- Drama camp counsellour (drilling kids in lines and putting up with 8 year old divas)
- Hospital x-ray clerk (putting up with 38 year old divas)
- Political party fundraising clerk (learned quite a bit about how the Canadian political system works, putting up with 24 year old temp divas)
- Research assistant in a University lab (awesome, but for Friday afternoons that neveeeeer ennnnnnnnnded, making bird DNA)
- Research assistant in a government lab (also awesome, watched MTV while cutting up tiny pieces of paper or tiny little flies to make bug DNA)
You may have noticed a bit of a diva theme. I have found while working that the most diva-ish people you work with are those with the LEAST career prospects, and so wield their highly limited power in the absolute worst way. I'm aware that there are difficult people in every office and so perhaps I will have new diva stories to tell but I'm trying to be positive.
I will miss my Regis and Kelly though.
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