Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shiny objects

As usual, I was quite spoiled this Christmas.

All of my cousins in my family are blessed with fairly healthy egos due to the incredible support system we all grew up with. Despite our mocking of each other at times, I know all my aunts and uncles (besides my parents) think that I am pretty awesome and would do almost anything for me. However, that feeling is always strongest when you are the baby of the family, and thus there have always been a few hurt feelings between us and our next youngest cousin.

Point of reference - this Christmas Eve I was chilling at the parents, watching my very favourite Christmas movie - White Christmas. I tweeted/facebooked about it and my older cousin Z (not to be confused with the best friend Z) commented it was also her favourite. I asked if she remembered me doing command performances of 'Sisters' for years - and she responded she did her best to ignore me until I was about 10 or so, which I definitely remember. I was a bit of a brat I admit, but she took the whole not being the only girl a little hard too ;).

In any case, despite no longer being the youngest by a long shot (the title now being held by my absolutely adorable baby cousin - see her in her First Christmas finery here), I was still super spoiled with lots of lovely (SHINY!) jewelry, stuff for around my house and as always, some Starbucks money to make those latte runs less of an extravagance.

Speaking of spoiled - am heading off tonight to go see Legally Blonde the Musical and am SO excited, will get to spend time with some of my undergraduate besties, we may even have a pink drink or two, which are even better than shiny things at times.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sick :(

Ugh, I have been suffering with a horrific cold for over a week now. I think it is the result of me overextending myself too much. Work is great and interesting, but also really busy and with a almost always overfilled social schedule... I think something had to give.

I don't know if its an only child thing, the need to get out and see other people, but I find it REALLY hard to turn down plans even when I know its time to stay home for reasons of either physical or financial health. The idea of missing out on a good time is kind of hard. My old roommate has told me that since I've moved out she has had so much more free time on her hands since she no longer has an in house social secretary booking her for almost every night of the week ;).

In any case, I've actually returned home to my parents for the past few days to recuperate and abuse their cable television. My mother and I did a bit of wrapping this afternoon and the tree is getting piled with presents! I've had a bit of a tough time getting into the feel of the season but I am now really, really for it to be Christmas.

In case I don't get a chance to get back on here before tomorrow night - Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hi again

Did ya miss me?

I know it's been a while but I think we all needed a break after NaBloPoMo, me from coming up with posting topics, you from reading whatever inanity I had decided was blog worthy that day.

I would like to say that since the end of NaBloPoMo, i have used that extra twenty minutes a day I finally had for productive purposes, started knitting, reading smart books, exercising, etc., but with the onset of the holiday season and my new job getting craaaaazy busy, I haven't really (except for starting the 'Remains of the Day' which is excellent so far). I am pretty sure that extra twenty minutes has gone to staring blankly at other blogs, or the tv, if my eyes are not half closed as I doze. December is exhausting.

I don't mean exhausting as terrible, there have been some great moments, but being busy is hard! (*cough*firstworldproblems *cough*). Also, the fact that my new commute and work location does not have any convenient coffee places makes it all the harder without even a prospect of my latte in my day (unless some of my awesome coworkers DRIVE to the nearest Starbucks and bring me back my cinnamon dolce latte just in time for a 2 hour videoconference as occurred on Friday - that was great).

I am currently writing this post all gussied up, sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting to get picked up to go to a wine and cheese a co-worker is throwing. I'm trying layering tights tonight, black lace over grey for a little bit of extra warmth, inspired by the lovely ladies at Academichic. I have been listening to bouncy music to gear myself up for a party, I attended the funeral for one of my great uncles today, and while the service was lovely, especially the military parts incorporated, and I love seeing my family, its still a somewhat emotional experience. But I have come home, splashed water on my face, redid my makeup and am ready to face the world! Though that glass of wine will really help.

Hope you have fun wherever you are heading/up to tonight!

Monday, November 29, 2010

In summary...

... or - what have you learned this month?

I love to bake, just not so much cook. I had dinner out tonight, for the sake of expediency of course, but will be home tomorrow night.... it may be another chicken sandwich, sorry guys.

I love my friends, and miss them when they are off having awesome adventures. I also love the ones that are still in town, to go see Harry Potter with me tonight.

I have terrible taste in TV - wait, UPDATE. I am rather upset as I have found out that the star of Hellcats has publicly questioned evolution. Um, I'm really not down with that, so may have to rethink my support of the show (if I support it at all by watching it on ctv.ca).

I am incredibly neurotic at times. Seeing as tomorrow is my spin class (which I skipped last week due to the new job and actually kinda missed, scary), my clothes are all laid out already so I can just crawl out of bed as late as possible.

AND if I tell enough people and take it as a personal challenge - I can do NABLOPOMO! Phew, it is nice to have this done with, it has been hard coming up with something to say every day as my life is not that interesting (as seen in my number of readers not exactly skyrocketing). But I do appreciate you sticking with me through the month, and hopefully as I see what comes next - just not updating quite as often...

I may not be off having exciting trips but I did take the time to think to myself on the way home tonight, that things are pretty good.Just in this past month I have started a great new job, seen some of my good friends, had some good drinks, met new and interesting people. I posted earlier in the month about positivity and this blog, taking the time at the end of my day to think of something to say to the internet, has often been a nice moment for reflection. Here's to what I'll be reflecting on next, ta for now.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

After spending an evening with my parent's cat who is turning into quite the bitch in her old age, this made me laugh:

So I have to admit where I came across that video. I saw it on Dooce, one of the pre-eminent mommy bloggers online.

I can picture you all scratching your heads - going, 'Um, LadyLaptop? Don't you not have any kids? And have mentioned several times how happy you are to not at the moment? So why are you reading mommy blogs?'

The answer to that is... I really don't know.

Back in the day, I was reading grad school blogs by other women, who just happened to also have kids, like the excellent Academomia. And as you do when you come across one interesting blog, you see who they are linked to... and I found such interesting voices as Julia and Amalah. I keep up with these blogs (and maybe a few more) because they have clear, funny, and thought provoking things to say. I find that Amalah's somewhat odd sense of humour is incredibly similar to my own, and I also love to cheer on her adorable 4 year old who is not letting his special needs limit his ability to be awesome (the kid is really in to Star Trek AND Star Wars at the moment, I think we were meant to be friends). Julia's pithy descriptions of her toddlers is infused with the road she took to get them, and at times I can feel my dark heart give a little tug. As well, it lets me look at pictures of adorable babies without having to, you know, take care of them. I was happy to play with my five month old cousin last night, but also quite keen to hand her over to her father when I was concerned she was about to spit up.

It is November 29th today and after tomorrow while I think I will be posting MORE than previously, it won't be every damn day any more. So if you're looking for a good read, I would recommend those above, along with my real life friends on the right hand side, if you're looking for a laugh, a cry, or just a moment to learn about someone else out there, and at the same time, about yourself.


The only downside to a super awesome Saturday? The recovery on Sunday.

Today, J took off not long after breakfast and since then I have been going, doing laundry, washing all the dishes we created, getting ready for a week at work, running errands, etc. I tweeted earlier 'Am trying to ignore how much I can get done when I'm up before 10 on a Sunday as it will NOT become a habit...' as when I put my mind to it I can get a lot done, but to be honest, I like my sleep more.

I may also have taken a tylenol or two to get rid of the slight wine headache I have. I have really lost my tolerance over time, only half a bottle - it's a little concerning.

I keep saying that despite being an outwardly responsible adult (I go to work, pay my mortgage) - I use that as an excuse to have my completely irresponsible moments, drinking (though I only had ONE margarita at the game last night, it was weird), sleeping in and at times only having a passing acquaintance with homemade, nutritious meals. I, um, may have bought Dunkaroos on a whim today at the store. But hey - I was also buying garbage bags, swiffer pads and yogourt so it all evens out - right?

In any case, just doing a few last tidies around here before I head to my parent's for dinner and then to celebrate my mother's birthday (and my uncle's) with the extended clan, may or may not glance at the Grey Cup but in any case Go Als!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

An Awesome Saturday (in picture form)

Today my dear friend J and I....
Went to the mall, a la Robin Sparkles...
Later to a hockey game, and watched the Sens beat the Leafs 3-0...
Then returned home and drank some wine...
While eating baguette, brie, salami (not pictured) and dark chocolate...
While introducing J to 30 ROCK, which she had somehow never seen.

It was a pretty awesome day - how about yours?

Friday, November 26, 2010

A good counter to a cold day....

... is making sangria and pretending its summer with one of my Mtl besties! We spent soooo much time drinking sangria on terrasses back in the and its great to catch up by the fire. Hope your weekend is also kicking off well!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Winter does feel like it is finally nipping at our heels. It was pretty darn freezing going home tonight and I was really happy to curl up on my couch with the fire on.

Three days in and I am feeling really positive about my new job. Despite the longer commute, the location is not so bad (but for making it way too easy to go shopping on my way home/at lunch) and the smaller building feels kind of cozy. More importantly, the people are great and it is as close I can get back to my academic work within the public sector. I will be getting to do some work on the ground, along with higher level research stuff.

One of the other benefits of the new job is that I will have more opportunities to see my mentor, who works in that building. My mentor was assigned to me but we have hit it off from day one and I have found them a great resource. While I can go to my parents or people I work with, my mentor is someone who is a bit more impartial and can act as a sounding board for my slightly crazier ideas. I would encourage all of you, if possible, to seek out someone like that in your professional/school/work place. There is no such thing as too many people in your corner.

Anyways, thank goodness it is Thursday night and I can chill out with my terrible TV shows and relax before what is looking to be a busy Friday but it will then be a super fun weekend ahead, including getting to see the Sens beat the Leafs!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am so psychologically damaged

Sorry for the cop out post tonight but I again in my common state of being confused, and as I think its mainly my nearest and dearest who read this - you know about what and will be hearing me be crazy for the next few days.... I wish I could make up my mind at times.
Am super looking forward to drinking with my dear J this weekend, because alcohol is the best thing to make decisions with!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


That was the sound of me hitting my bed. At 20 after 11. It's been a long day.

Had to get up nearly 45 minutes earlier than usual this morning as part of the new routine but the commute itself was fine, was at work in approximately half an hour. Got settled in to my new desk, people seem nice - got hit with a close of business deadline for the end of the day that I had to coordinate! We made it, because I'm awesome, but to recover I had to spend at least an hour at the mall on my new way home, started browsing for Christmas presents (and um, maybe a 'you made it a year and got promoted!' present for myself). I then had to run home, change quickly and actually jog back to the bus to go hang with a friend. I'm really glad I did though, we had a lovely evening of going 'Huh?" at Glee, felt like we were back in undergrad. Came home, made my lunches for tomorrow, cleaned the kitchen - and I still need a shower before bed. Is it the weekend yet?

(Don't get me wrong, I love to be busy but this.... is a bit much even for me. Here's to a less hectic day tomorrow but its supposed to be so cold I'll be running just to stay warm.)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Settling in for winter

I've been teasing about some of the decorating I've been doing here and thought I should finally show off my recent progress.

In preparation for winter, my gas fireplace is now also ready to help with the heat, you can kind of see the flames, along with my recent photo wire project and some roses I got last week ;). I can't wait to get Christmas cards and hang them there. I don't think I'll get a proper tree this year but do have a big shrub my aunt gave me that already has some lights in it that will also get a few ornaments.

I did keep that picture, I think it looks pretty good on the wall and I like that there are a few extra colours not already present in the room.

(You can't tell but that's Mamma Mia on the TV, I continue to love the library for its free DVDs).

I'm having a quiet night in so that I can get a good night's sleep in preparation for the earlier morning ahead as I start a slightly longer commute to the new job. It'll be easier though returning in the evenings to my cozy little home.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saying goodbye...

... with baked goods.

As I have previously mentioned, I am about to start a new job, and the last day in my current job is tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the people I've worked with and the subject matter has been really interesting. At times a little TOO interesting, we could have lived without a couple of headlines that made the papers but, oh well.

I've been purposely a bit vague about details on here, as this blog is still technically pseudonymous, but these cookies that I will be bringing in tomorrow will give you a bit of a hint about what kind of work I've been doing:

They're supposed to be atoms. I think they're pretty cool, and I know they're quite delicious since they are based on a Pioneer Woman recipe. I intend people to remember that not only was I a hard worker, an easy going and amusing coworker, and smart - but that I also brought in some delicious treats from time to time. I am sure that will assure me a good reference down the line.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 20

2/3 of the way there!

I have to admit that topic ideas are starting to become a bit thin on the ground so any ideas are appreciated.

Today was Saturday, a pretty good one at that. I slept it, then spent the afternoon tidying, doing laundry and generally hanging out. I made the mistake of doing my hair way too early in the day though, and the pretty curls I had at 3 are now pretty much gone. I am doing out tonight and was trying to do something different, I think a ponytail is now the likely look.

Going out tonight to try 'flights' of wine at a downtown winebar, where you get three different glasses of a particular type or according to a theme (place of origin, varietal, etc.) for under $15. I'm pretty excited. There will be dancing following that but I'm currently on the fence, will be going home to my parents' tonight and don't want to be sneaking in too late. Today is my mother's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY) and she suggested I spend the day there, we'll have a nice breakfast, she'll help me do some baking for my last day (post on that either tomorrow or Monday) and we'll have dinner with my grandmother. Should be pretty nice.

Time for me to do some last minute outfit/accessory determinations - life was a lot easier when I was back in Mtl with my roommate who knew my wardrobe better than I did...

Friday, November 19, 2010


Y'know, no one ever really warned me how tiring working all week is. When I think about it, I don't understand how a week of sitting at my computer and thinking, reading or writing, interspersed with meetings and phone calls can actually knock me out the way it does but generally by Friday, I am just ready to crawl into bed. And that is what I did tonight. It was kind of awesome. I ran a few errands at a nearby mall, picked up food that I (again) didn't really end up cooking with - tomorrow I swear though - I had an english muffin PB&J (delicious homemade jam, a favour from a friend's wedding) for dinner.

I then crawled into bed and caught up on the TV I missed this week (Hellcats is still highly entertaining), and started reading Game of Thrones - so far so good.

The rest of the weekend will be pretty busy though, tomorrow I have house cleaning and laundry to do, followed by an evening on the town with work friends, then to do much baking on Sunday at my parents' and celebrate my mother's birthday. I also need to study for the drivers test I've just decided I'll write Monday, need to get back on the G1 horse. As an only child, I find I really need this quiet nights to myself to recharge my slightly introverted batteries and be ready to take on the world again come next week.


(Blows into a paper bag.)

I'll be fine. After one more old episode of The West Wing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Positivity brings positive things....

... I don't know if it is my new belief in positivity but I have just had one of the best dates of my life. I won't go into much detail but its honestly impeding my ability to come up with anything else to blog about today.

My negative side is saying let's hope this doesn't all go to hell in a handbasket as usual.... kind of like this...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good news

Whoops - I nearly went to bed without my daily post! What can I say, it's Wednesday. I, as usual, got up stupid early, went to spinning (which HURT thanks to a sore arm from getting a flu shot yesterday, and still sore legs from the 30 Day Shred earlier in the week), ran to work, spent the day cleaning up files, went by my parents and then dinner with a friend. Then it seems I stared at my computer/watched the West Wing for a few hours. I should really be asleep by now.

But first, carrying on my earlier commitment of this month to be a little less negative, I present to you some good news. We spend so much of our lives focused on sad/bad stories (explosions, serial killers, the economy) that when something nice comes along, it's hard not to smile.

First - some time next summer I get to sit down with some of my besties, wear flowery hats and drink (hopefully) spiked iced tea as we watch a royal wedding.

(P.S. I want the dress and the ring. I, like Miss Middleton, carry off blue very well)

Second - the Leafs are losing.
(I know it's not exactly NEWS but it's a good thing, sign everything is right in the world, and I really need some positivity in this area, am still tanking in my hockey pool)

Third - on a somewhat more serious, but still cheering note, the Globe and Mail published today an article showing that support and prevalence of female circumcision in Africa is declining due to educational and other public policy campaigns. There is a place for tradition in this world, but not when it places the health and safety of millions of girls at risk. However, many countries in Africa are putting emphasis and energy against this barbaric practise and their work is starting to pay off.

Fourth - on the topic of development, I got an e-mail today that one of my Kiva loans has been paid off in full! Kiva is an online microlending charity, I recieved a gift certificate for it a few years ago at Christmas, and have really enjoyed reading different candidates' applications for funds and seeing the money come back in. While there are certainly concerns about microloans in some areas, as today is about positivity, I acknowledge those concerns but in my research have found only good things about Kiva and the field organizations it looks at. If you're starting to look for Christmas presents for people, I would urge you to consider it, and see what positivity you can bring into someone's life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Over halfway!

We are now on DAY 16 on NABLOPOMO. You sick of me yet? Better not be - we have 14 more glorious days to go!

I am also over halfway through my spinning classes.

As of next Tuesday, I will have completed one half of my development program at work.

I am way less than 50% prepared for tomorrow morning (tasks including: alarm set, having spin clothes laid out, work clothes laid out, breakfast and lunch ready to go).

As of last night, 1 of the 2 papers I will ideally publish off my Masters have been submitted to an actual academic journal!

(I don't do things by halves so I have to make this slightly odd theme keep going).

I have drank a little more than 375 mLs of water I put in my 750 mL nalgene when I got home (had a massage this evening, am supposed to hydrate afterwards).

I still look at mLs and laugh, remembering the days I was measuring 0.5 microlitres of uber expensive Taq for PCR.

However, I 100% love this new song by Adele:

Monday, November 15, 2010

I hate you Jillian Michaels

I have recently been rewatching the early seasons of one of my favourite shows : How I Met Your Mother. While my affection for it wavered last year, I feel like its really back this season and going back to the old ones reminded me of why I love it so much.

In the episode, 'The Slutty Pumpkin' the main protagonist was being tempted in two very different directions....

I kinda know how he feels these days.

As I mentioned last week, single cooking is really not so much fun. I went to the grocery store last week and picked up some good fruits and veggies, but also some already frozen meals that are OK but not as good as I could make homemade. My dinner tonight was an italian sandwich I picked up on the way home (though that delicious deli soon won't be so convenient so I figure I should take advantage while I can). I kind of hope that this will change once it gets REALLY cold (we've been having an atypically balmy November) I will not be so willing to go a little out of my way, but rather scurry straight home for a good warm, filling meal.

Yet, while my nutrition is a bit of a battle at the moment (though I am doing generally OK, just not enough homemade stuff), I am suddenly ALL over the fitness. I have been going to spin classes once a week for several weeks (at the ungodly hour of 6:30 am but then am super perky for the rest of the day AND have my evening for fun). This weekend I went to a really lovely yoga class. Today I felt delightfully sore at work, feeling the twinges in my arm but knowing its because I worked them. And this evening, while I was hanging out with my laptop I suddenly decided - I think I'm going to do the Shred. I hopped up, changed into a sports bra, closed the drapes and spent 20 minutes wanting to punch Jillian Michaels.

My hatred just seems to make me go harder at times, especially when she makes terrible self-deprecating comments. I hate this woman at times, but she does do a pretty good job of kicking your butt. Even with some modification of the cardio (I need to figure out how obvious me doing jumping jacks is to my neighbours) my legs were shaking in the shower and I know I will feel it tomorrow. And I'll kind of love it - though I really hope my masseuse doesn't cancel on me again, because I will be really looking forward to the massage I have scheduled.

I know that health is all about making good decisions but if you're not motivated, its hard to find the justification to get off the couch and away from the fast food at times. I certainly have reasons enough to make my health a higher priority. Let's see if I can keep up this whole listening to the fitness angel thing (and I'll take the hot guy above over pugface Michaels).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thank Goodness for the Library

I have always had a positive relationship with the library.

I have a very clear memory of being 10 or so, and being in a parent-teacher-student conference (I went to a hippie dippie alternative school and we were always in on our conferences, to present our perspectives and views. It's amazing I ever learned how to spell.) At the time, we were allowed to keep books borrowed from the class shelf that we intended to read next in the top shelf of our cubbies. My teacher was telling my parents that my cubby was always full. Piles of books that I wanted to read and was keeping away from anyone else until I had a chance. I was never very good at sharing.

In middle school, the public library was on my way home every day. I had discovered at some point how to order books, and there was usually at least one waiting for me. While it was not so convenient when I went to high school, I still kept up ordering books off and on and was a fairly frequent visitor. Some of the librarians there still remember me, when I stopped in a few times last year while living at home again they were always keen to chat.

When I was in my upper years of university, having moved out of residence, we lived next to a public library that had an excellent collection of dvds. I also learned mid way through my second year of undergrad that I could not actually study at home effectively and over the next three years, had a 'power' spot in the science library. It got me through many an exam and paper. Sometimes I would visit friends in their favourite study spots but I knew when it was crunch time, I had to write papers on 2nd floor Douglas or study in the carrels on the 4th floor.

You may be wondering at this point - oh, dear lady of the laptop - why did you not become a librarian? And I must admit that I really never considered it (but for one panicked week in April of the fourth year of undergrad and I hadn't gotten in to any grad schools yet and I had to do SOMETHING next year, but I had missed all the deadlines). I think I realized from a young age, watching the crazy people who would frequent the library at times, that I was not meant to deal with the unwashed masses and crying children. I stand by that to this day.

Moving on.

I spent somewhat less time in the library in Mtl, the public libraries being somewhat limited in their English selection but my university did have some great study rooms, particularly one on a corner with a huge table and big windows that I, sometimes joined by the recently mentioned x-ine, pounded out my thesis in.

However, I am really loving the library right now. There is a convenient branch close to the grocery store and I am again ordering materials like crazy, especially dvds. I have no cable at the moment and love getting full seasons or fairly recently released movies to watch. Just this evening I very much enjoyed 'He's Just Not That Into You'. I can pick up the weird biographies or bodice rippers I can't quite bring myself to buy. Discover new series when my cash flow is a little strapped so can't go buying everything I need.

I wandered into the kids section of the library not long ago, looking to see if they had 'Finding Nemo' (what can I say - I was in a mood!). I spotted books that I still remember well. And I thought about one day bringing my child there, and finally learn to share my books.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On financial responsibility

I have been known in my life to, at times, be a bit spendthrift. I have a LOT of purses and a LOT of clothes, somewhat due to the fact that I am the only child of a woman who loves a deal. And who has especially enjoyed helping me build a professional wardrobe with a lot of great deals. However, with the responsibility of owning my own place, I've had to reign in my habits a bit.

I actually challenged myself to not purchase anything clothing related for all of October and seems to have pulled it off! I was mulling giving myself the same challenge for November but settled on more 'only buy something you HAVE to have'.

Today I bought some pretty awesome stuff:
- a gorgeous vintage pair of gold earrings with eenie weenie rhinestones and emeralds that will look great at work or at holiday parties ($3 - church bazaar)
- a cute string of faux baby blue pearls ($.050 - church bazaar)
- a versataile teal sleeveless blouse that will be great for work ($20 - the Bay)

I really love them all and didn't blow my budget. Here's to keeping the streak alive! (Now curled up in bed with the $0.50 Diana Gabaldon and 'What Not to Wear' books, also from the Church Bazaar. Christmas shopping season has begun but won't post those details, you never know who is reading.... ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pretty scarves and pretty friends

My dear x-ine and I have only known each other for about three years but in that time have discovered many similarities. At times we have even been mistaken for sisters (several times a day on occasion). This may be due to the fact that despite our different backgrounds (hers, Egyptian and British: mine, Irish to the hilt), our colouring and dress styles are rather similar.

We also both wear glasses and have a tendency to pepper conversation with a mix of incredibly nerdy scientific anecdotes, sports stories and gossip (both our own and the silly TV shows we both watch - see below recent twitter convo about One Tree Hill (OTH) - a classic).
Over time we have independently bought the same shirts (worn the same day), and
many other similar items (beyond the various pieces of fleece we both wore up north - below is the two of us in the midst of field work both wearing a long sleeved white tee that day).

But it was only recently we both bought the same thing together (since we now inhabit different cities and the likelihood of wearing it at the same is thus significantly reduced). We both bought this scarf in a little Greek boutique in my new hood when she visited last month.
Isn't it pretty?
I'm kind of obsessed with it. It's colour scheme of gold, white, pink, red and brown flatters and coordinates with many outfit options. Today I paired it with jeans, a white tee and pink canvas runners but it has gone with brown dress pants and shoes with equal ease. There is enough dark brown verging on black that you cxan also throw some black in, along with either silver or gold.

As my long term challenge wardrobe wise this year has been to dress appropriately for work without looking like a banker, this scarf, with its bright colours yet traditional pattern, is a great tool in my arsenal. I've found a few tutorials on how to tie a scarf that have also been great fun to experiment with.

More on my wardrobe for work challenges to come, along with gros bissous for x-ine!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


(That title kinda looks like 'Mammmmmmaries' huh? That made me laugh because I have the sense of humour of a five year old).

Today I walked along the streets of Kingston, where I did my undergrad with two of my dear former roomies and (among many others, mainly Glee's version of 'We've Got the Funk') we sang some of 'Memories' by Barbara Streisand.

It felt like every corner we revealed tugged at another string of memories. Yet, it was weird being there as non-students, wandering the campus yet without so much stress on our shoulders. We checked out the fancy pants new student centre which is incredibly so much nicer than we ever had, gr. But I do now kind of miss the awful dungeons which masqueraded as a gym.

After stopping in to see some former labmates who are almost done their PhDs, I rejoined my friends for shopping along the main street, which now has an Urban Outfitters. I ended up buying this picture:
for my living room, but I'm not quite sure of the colour, the blue may be a little too vibrant. But I really like it otherwise, we'll see....

Am now back home and have to deal with the laundry I've been ignoring all week. Oh well, just one day to the weekend!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Manic Wednesdays

My Wednesday was so busy I didn't get around to actually posting thing until Thursday, but here is a recap before I fall completely dead asleep.

6 am: alarm goes off, waking me up from a restless few hours sleep for spin

6:30-7:15: spin class

7:15: scurry home (eating the nanaimo bar made by spin instructor - a little counterintuitive) to shower and get ready for work

8:30: arrive at work, pick up tea and throw myself into a crazy day based on a deadline for Friday, with a holiday in between today and then. Also read front page newspaper article on one of our major issues, exchange pithy remarks with coworkers.

10:30-12: break for french lessons, discussion my friend's Movember moustache pretty decently en francais.

12 pm: run back to office, bolt lunch while typing up and revising notes.

12-4:30: run around like a crazy person trying to get agreement on various drafts of documents. Somehow, by 4:30 find out that senior management won't even look at our materials until Friday morning so I am good to go!

4:45: meet one of my nearest and dearest for coffee, hear about her awesome wedding plans in progress.

6:15-9:15: head over to meet work colleagues for a social event I had organized. Realize how truly terrible I am at pool.

9:15: we take the social event to another bar and I drink a GIANT AND DELICIOUS COCKTAIL IN A MASON JAR. Have odd conversation with colleague/friend/crush that I don't know what to do about.

12 am: get a lift home with a fellow organizer. Put on pjs, get into bed, write a blog post - and now for bed.

(Tomorrow - day trip to Kingston! Will tell you all about it.)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cooking for one

Despite my misgivings, as a whole, I've rather enjoyed living alone these past few month. Setting my own schedule, playing my own music, not having to be quiet because someone is sleeping... it's nice. However, the biggest downside has been cooking for one.

My dearest, darlingest Liz and I had the best food system. We would almost always cook dinner together, shop together, challenged each other to try new recipes and almost all of our experiments turned out awesome (naanwiches!). It was economical and fun.

Most importantly, we had to be accountable to each other, if we had said we were making X for dinner, there was no picking up take out or having cereal for dinner because you were not in the mood to cook. That is a lot harder to do on your own.

I try really hard and sometimes do great! I make a pretty awesome pasta with prosciutto and veggies, or spicy mac and cheese with veggies. However, I have an egg on english muffin with cheese about once a week. I plan healthy meals but at times I get home late and am distracted, or just not in the mood so make some less than healthy choices. Suggestions for easy(ish), cheap, healthy and fast meals appreciated!

The other downside of course is having a glass of wine while eating alone is skirting on the bounds of alcoholism - any suggestions for getting around that?

Monday, November 8, 2010

An Appreciation for the Arts...

... I haz it.
(C'mon, how do you not love cats lacking grammar skills?)
One of my literary faves, Jen Lancaster (linked on the left as Jennsylvania) wrote a whole book last year on developing an appreciation for the arts as a means to expand her conversational repertoire beyond reality TV.
I say that my already well developed understanding of the arts lets me rot my brain in other areas as much as possible, much as being all responsible like in having both a job and a condo lets me be ridiculous at times and have waaaaaay too many shots (See: a recent Young Professionals Network event. No one was anywhere near professional by the end of that evening).
I have learned both classical and jazz piano, as well as a smattering of the clarinet.
I have read both Kafka and Sylvia Plath and enjoyed it.
I have a favourite Keats poem and Van Gogh painting, as well as an appreciation of more modern iterations of prose (slam poetry) and art (oh those gorgeous prints on etsy)(and then Regretsy)
While most operas are not my favourite, I will always be a sucker for La Traviata and wish I could be a song writer like Hawksley Workman.
Thanks to years of drama, I have my Shakespearean (Drama: Lear Comedy: Midsummer Night's Dream) and modern favourite play (George F. Walker's Problem Child) and over all
love of the theatre.
I got to go see 'Romeo and Juliet' last week, and while it had its issues (clogging showdown between Ladies Capulet and Montague was a little confusing), just being in a theatre and being taken into the story is a wonderful moment for me. I wish at times I was the one ON stage but just being there is enough.
I feel really lucky to have these things in my life. Part of it, mainly music, is from my parents who kept me in piano until I did indeed damn well like it. My grandmother used to take me to the National Art Gallery. I also had access to wonderful teachers in all these disciplines. It makes me sad that there are people, and children, out there who have not been so lucky. I feel bad at times that I do squander it, and don't get out to enough events, watching TV rather than a new fringe show. I am resolved (this won't be a New Years Resolution because those don't work) that now that I am more settled, I will make more of an effort to appreciate and enjoy the artistic experiences which are available.
Nothing wrong with the first step being tickets to:
(Review to come in December. ;)
(I may be more excited than I was for Christopher Plummer in the Tempest, eesh.)
(I will start reading Ayn Rand soon I SWEAR.)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bon Voyage!

Today we had a brunch to bid adieu to my best friend forever, Z and her boyfriend as they take off on an exciting adventure. I am super excited for them, and can't wait to hear their stories but it was still hard to say goodbye.
Z and I have been best friends since we were around 3 years old. We know we met in preschool but the first evidence of our friendship is written upon a large piece of construction paper I had decorated on my first day of kindergarten, upon which our teacher wrote:
'Anna had a very good first day. While playing in the house, Zoe asked "Are you my husband?"'.
We figure I must have said yes, and that our marriage is one many should look up to. That phrase, along with many others ('You can't take Siam!' 'That is one of my defining characteristics') are a constant in our conversations.
Z has been my cheerleader, confidant, the one who understands my neuroses, who points out the few flaws I have ('epitome') but also shows me and helps me find my strengths. She's the sister I never had.
And she can't navigate nor stick to a schedule for anything so I'm really glad she's not going alone, I would actually have to find a new best friend (as I've been threatening) and I just don't have the time for that.
Love ya dear.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall faves....

Blue, Yellow and Gold from Tamé
I set this (in a slightly different colour scheme) aside at my cousin's boutique today that my dad will pick up as part of my Christmas presents.... I'm pretty excited.
Other fall faves:
.... sleeping in and just the tip of your nose being cold as you awake
.... walking around downtown, checking out late fall produce with a latte in hand
.... warm Pho in your belly
.... seeing lots of poppies sported around town for Remembrance Day (Canadians can be patriotic too - just not in the crazy/in your face/American way)
.... Daylight Savings giving us back our hour!

Hope your Saturday was full of fall fun.

Friday, November 5, 2010


TGIF. Seriously. THANK GOODNESS. Hauling myself out of bed this week has been quite a trial. Hopefully with daylight savings ending tomorrow it'll make it a little easier.
So it's Friday. We made it. *HIGH FIVE* It's 10:45 and I just opened a pomtini. But it's not drinking alone because I could be out drinking at a bar with peoples, but I felt the need to save some moolah and chill. I did have a nice coffee date earlier in the evening but now I am in my bed with the laptop, catching up on all the terrible TV I've missed this weekend.
Thank Goodness For Terrible TV (TGFTTV - you see what I did there? Eh?).
I have admitted on this blog before that I, at times, have less than sophisticated tastes. I do indeed have Ayn Rand's the Fountainhead on my shelf at the moment, but I haven't cracked it open yet. I have however, read all of Twilight and most of the Shopaholic novels. I did indeed go to the theater last week, but also am really excited for the new Rachel McAdams romcom coming out (It has HARRISON FORD being crochety and charming! How could you not be excited?).
But I have really bad taste in TV.
I watch Private Practise almost every week (I think I'm skipping this one though, I do not need to see Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer rape someone). Almost anything to do with decor/wedding dresses on HGTV or TLC? I AM THERE. The documentary on climate change - not so much. I check out Cougar Town. After catching up on The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family this evening, I watched Hellcats.
Hellcats, if you haven't seen it, is about college cheerleaders. AND IT IS REALLY GOOD. There is now some kind of legal mystery going on and they used an acapella version of 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' at a poignant moment.... it is the One Tree Hill of it's day (which I did used to love), though minus Chad Michael Murray's hair and dogs eating hearts.
Man, I miss Chad Michael Murray.
ANYWAYS - I have crap taste in TV. I do turn to the West Wing whenever I have 40 or so minutes to spare, and have watched my fair share of BBC series, but I am always drawn back to both the ridiculous and sublime - ie. silly teenage shows or reality tv.
Time for the Apprentice!
(Please don't judge me or my love of pomtinis)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Whew - a little down to the wire today! However, I did just have a lovely evening I can tell you all about.
A third cousin of mine who is driving across the country then down through the States pulled up in my parent's driveway at 7 this evening in a bright orange VW van. Which has no heat. So she and her friends drive with sleeping bags wrapped around them. As she recounted this over dinner I thought my mother's eyes were going to fall out of their sockets, they were so wide.
Despite their somewhat loose grip on practicality, they were (her, her boyfriend and another friend) a group of completely charming 20 year olds, I had a great evening hanging out with them and took them on a walk through neighbourhood, however I felt about 40 at times. None in school, one with a bit of a vocation/career path.... I was never so footloose and fancy free! I don't feel bad about that, I'm pretty sure the life choices I've made are working out for me so far but at times I can't help but shake my head and wonder.
I had actually never met this cousin of mine before. My mother had over 60 first cousins so if you were to walk up to me on the street and say 'Hey - we're cousins!' I am likely to believe you because I have never and don't know how I could meet all the cousins I have. I don't even have the names straight of the ones I see occasionally. Yet while I mock this, and tell people about my 'crazy Irish family', I feel so privileged to have that network. As my mother was happy to host and feed this girl we had never met, I know her mother would do the same for me were I to appear on her doorstep. I actually had a lot of fun telling her family stories that she had never heard. I seem to still be cool thank goodness. I got to explain Twitter to them. They even seemed disappointed I have to go to work tomorrow rather than show them around.
I wish I could play tour guide again, tomorrow I will be mainly spending my time sorting all my files in preparation of switching jobs in 2 weeks. There are worse ways to spend (what is supposed to be) a rainy Friday. I'll let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On the upside

It's November 3rd and you can tell winter is on it's way. We had snow over the weekend and I thought back to Halloweens when I had to wear snowpants underneath my costume. It gets dark, really, really early.
As I told you, I left work late both Monday and Tuesday, late enough that the sun had already begun to set. Today I got out relatively on time and appreciated the light by which to run my errands.
I'm trying to instigate a greater amount of positivity in my life these days. While I am in general an optimist, and believe that everything happens for a reason, at times it is hard to see past inconveniences and the whine comes on. I'm not quite a Debbie Downer, as I tend to keep it to myself and stew, which I know is not good for my mental health. (I recall when I first decided a few years ago to see a therapist for anxiety issues - among the best decisions I have ever made. I am now a big fan of TALKING to someone - I told my roommate about it and that I 'wouldn't be bothering her so much with my problems'. She stared at me 'You NEVER bother me with your problems. Or mention anything bad until you burst into tears'. I have learned that keeping things bottled up = a not very happy LadyLaptop.
So, positivity. I've had a few things to kvetch about this week but let's try seeing them in a positive light.
Ucky: Having to get out of bed at 6 am this morning for spin, in the cold and dark.
Yay!: I got in a good workout and sleeping in until 7 tomorrow will feel soooooo decadent.
Ucky: Skipping lunch as I juggled deadlines and meetings.
Yay!: Having a soup and laugh break with coworkers around 3, and I wasn't starving (ie buying ridiculous stuff) at the grocery store afterwards.
Ucky: I am le tired. Seriously.
Yay!: I came home to my lovely apartment, threw in some laundry and am currently cuddled in bed, with nothing to do this evening.
I'm pretty pumped.
Here's to finding to finding the positive.

Monday, November 1, 2010

On Musical Moments

Last night, I took a stack of papers home to read to incorporate into a briefing we've been working on for a while. I worked a little bit late on the same issue today, but not nearly as late and all I have to do tonight is study for a french quiz tomorrow, and hopefully put myself to bed nice and early so I am pumped for my weekly 6:30 am Wednesday spin class.

But back to last night.

Last night, I went home, changed out of my work clothes and spread out my work across my dining table. I turned on my computer and my iTunes onto shuffle.
One of the first tracks that played was a Liz Phair track that was only on my computer because a good friend lent me the CD in first year of undergrad. She and I must have hung out in my dorm room (she avoiding her slightly odd roommate, me avoiding calculus homework) for hours on end that year. Liz Phair was one of our favourites, as she sang songs of female power and independence. With a cup of tea next to me I felt like I could close my eyes and be there again.

I've written here before about the power of music.

While I am not an accomplished musician, I've lent my hand to it enough and been exposed to so many disparate styles (thanks Dad) that it does have a special place in my life. Many songs for me bring me back to incredible moments in my life. My old roommates and I have more songs than we can keep track of which were our anthems at various points (including ridiculous Bulgarian pop).

I've had songs that I truly thought represented relationships, which now bring a pang when I hear them.

But I also shrug and sing along, because I appreciate what that time was to me in my life.
My friend from first year is getting married. We aren't those people anymore. We've both shed a lot of tears since then, grown a lot. We still have a ways to go to be as cool as Liz Phair though.

Onto french homework - anyone got any good french music recommendations?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Observed differences between the life style, daily habits and moments between a graduate student and public servant

(Note: this post was written before I had an incredibly slow day at work, to be ended with my boss snarking at me for reminding them of a deadline they were the one holding us up on, then staying late to discuss a last minute and unreasonable deadline from on high. The sun had set by the time I got home, bringing work with me, leaving me no time for a jog like I had hoped. My dinner so far is a bag of peanut butter M&Ms).

As I mentioned in a previous post, this blog has seen me make the transition between graduate student and public servant. You can never quite kick academia however, which results in my organizing my thoughts in this manner.

Introduction: In the past year (+/- one month), I have made observations on the differences in being a graduate student vs. a public servant. While my initial hypothesis that there are some major differences was correct (namely in salary size and daily habits), there are some unexpected similarities. While this study is somewhat limited in it's sample size (n=1), qualitative observations and informal surveys (never got the ethics approval) have shown that my theories do have merit.

Theory 1: Public servants are paid better
HELL YEAH. However, there are fewer opportunities to pillage free food. Further, wardrobe requirements (see below) also impact on earnings.

Theory 2: Public servants have a more regular schedule
Correct. While when I was a graduate student I could amble into my lab basically anytime I chose as I barely ever saw my supervisor, and didn't always go to the lab even, as a public servant I am supposed to be at work between 8:30 and 9. There are no major threats to my tenure if I do not do so, but there is no 'taking the morning off to read'. I do miss those days on cold and rainy mornings.

Theory 3: There will be significantly fewer socks and sandals combinations
True (p=0.001), thank goodness. Though, the overall greater expectations as to my wardrobe (no yoga pants, limited Birks), which does make me sad some days.

Theory 4: There will be fewer opportunities for office gossip with co-workers
Incorrect (p=0.53).

Theory 5: There will be a greater opportunity to travel
HA! Incorrect. While doing my Masters I travelled to the North, to Vancouver and the States for conferences and field work. So far, the government has sent me to..... Toronto. The suburbs even.

Theory 6: I will be happier and less stressed
The latter, definitely true. The former, well, it's a different kind of happy. There are days where I feel as though I've done some great, relevant, important work. And then there are days that I feel as though I have spent most of it working against other sections or the bureaucracy as a whole. While I often complained about having a basically non-existent supervisor, I definitely appreciate it now when I have to go through multiple levels of approvals for something to be OKed. I do miss being my own boss and working on something I really believed in, that was mine.

But, I am also still at the beginning of my career and know that there will be opportunities in my future to regain that autonomy and orient myself to work effectively to improve the state of things in this country and around the world. I also very much appreciate that at the moment,I don't have much authority and a lot of support as I learn a totally new way of thinking and writing at times. But I couldn't have learned so quickly if it wasn't for the trial by fire that was grad school at times.

Conclusion: I made the right decision for myself, to take the step out of academia and join the world of government. There are positives and negatives, as there are to everything, but for the most part, I leave each day feeling like I have contributed, which to me means a lot. But I hope that those of you out there still in the grad school trenches know I am still with you, and am always up to go grab some free snacks.

(There were no free snacks today.)

Let's try this again....

Happy Halloween all!
On Friday evening, I was told by some of my nearest and dearest that I should really get off my ass and get back to posting on this blog. So here we go again.
I have to admit, the identity of this blog over the past year has been a little challenging to me. When I started I was just starting grad school and spent all day chained to my laptop. Now, I've finished grad school and spent most of my day chained to my computer at work, while my beloved laptop is slowly starting to fall apart. I've gone from sharing an apartment in the lovely and cosmopolitan Mtl to living alone in my own condo in the just as lovely, but not quite so cosmopolitan Otown.
A lot has changed, which I'll be telling you a lot about since I have decided to have another go at :
NaBloPoMo. Last year I think I got as far as the 13th, hopefully I can do a bit better this year. I think that picture is appropriate as I am currently in bed with a cup of tea (yes it is 1:30 in the afternoon but I don't really care, I don't spend nearly as much time in this bed as I should), and hopefully a lot of posts will come from this location.
See ya tomorrow!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another mission accomplished....

Got my boots (above, but in grey/brown = GREIGE!)! Not quite what I had intended but awesome nonetheless, wearing them around my parent's house today to break them in to wear to work this week.

Am house/cat sitting for my parents this weekend, it's very easy to slip back into my routine here but at the same time I kind of miss my place. It's just for a few days but eating their food is fun....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One check mark...

... the boyfriend watch? Is MINE. (Not the one I was looking at online but found at a discount store!)

Had a marvelous evening tonight celebrating my birthday with the family in my new place. The watch was courtesy a gift card one of my aunt and uncles gave me, along with some new picture frames to start working on some wall art I have been mulling. I got some cash and other gift cards from the rest of the family, and have to say most of it will go to house stuff. I need a vacuum (sigh), but again maybe more art. Back to the discount stores I go!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On responsible spending

Ah, fall. Not too many years ago this was the season of stocking up on a back to school wardrobe and getting back to classes. Not anymore, this year I actually had booked the first day of school off as I was returning from a long weekend wedding far away, and really appreciated the day to sleep in and hang with a friend I hadn’t seen all summer. We spent some time at a Starbucks patio across from an elementary school and it was really sweet to see all the little ones heading back, and gain an interesting view of what is cool this year.

I don’t think I’m buying their Hollister tees and short short SHORT skirts (good lord) but I am thinking about picking up a few pieces for fall. I officially started working last November so have since developed a decent winter-spring-summer wardrobe, but still need a few perfect fall pieces. I thought I’d share what I am currently coveting. The list is fairly short as I am a recent homeowner (pics and décor tips to come), I do actually have a self-imposed shopping budget but with some saving and amortizing a few pieces over a month or so’s worth of budget, I think I can make it work.

The perfect brown boot – to go with skirts, dresses and under jeans on casual Fridays. I bought a cheap-o leather jacket a few weeks ago with both caramel and darker browns, so am looking for a boot both the right colour and one that will fit over my less than slender calves.

The sweater dress (I’m thinking grey - ooh, kind of like this) – appropriate for days I don’t have meetings and long walks to appreciate the changing foliage.

The grey bag – with enough room for files, planner, wallet, etc., but not quite as large as my giant shoulder bags that tend to fill up with junk, and hopefully looking a bit more tidy. Saw a faux croc one the other night I am still pondering (kind of like this...).

And number one on my list – the gold boyfriend watch. This one is the non negotiable item, I started eyeing giant white watches over the summer but have realized now gold is where it’s at. Am actually currently in negotiations with someone on kijiji over one from Michael Kors (comme ca - isn't it darling?) – wish me luck!

What are you loving this fall? Any of my still grad student friends looking to expand their jeans and cute top repertoire?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy to be home

I am currently sitting at home on a rainy and grey Sunday evening. I had a super fun vacation which included time at the cottage, and partying in both Ottawa and Montreal. I jaunted to Montreal to surprise a dear friend for her birthday but as great as this week/weekend was, I think I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!

I am happy though to be hanging out in my new condo, watching the West Wing while I eat dinner. A dinner I wanted and paid for - single life (living alone) at its best.

I was happy to hang out in my old apartment over the weekend but realized it is no longer mine. And honestly, I'm much ha
ppier with my own shiny new place which has bathroom doors that actually close ;).

I'm fairly settled in but for finding a roommate for the other room, or turning it into an office, we'll see what happens. I do kind of miss having roommates around but at the moment, wandering around in my underpants whenever I feel like it is also pretty fun.

(More pictures to come...)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Whoops... an update

Sorry y'all about running off for so long.
Life has changed a lot in the last couple of months for me. I have settled into my new job and really enjoy it. Most (yes most but hey I'm pretty junior) days I am intellectually stimulated, busy, and am always working with great people. Beyond my immediate co-workers, I've made great friends with people hired through the same process as me. At the moment, while a PhD is a tempting set of letters to have behind my name, the working life seems to be keeping me for a while.
On the home life, family dynamics have changed a bit. I lost my grandfather in February, whom I adored. I still miss him terribly but know he is in a better place. It has resulted me in taking more time to appreciate my family and wonderful friends. Next weekend I'm taking my grandmother on a lovely trip to Stratford! (Though the train trip going through the T-dot during the G20 weekend is going to suuuuuuuuuuck. I will be drinking.)
In further family news, both of my parents are now retired and are around all the time, the cue for me to MOVE OUT. I have bought my own condo! I move in a week and a half and am currently writing this post to procrastinate from packing, but that's OK. Looking for a place was a bit of a process but with the help of a great agent, I found a spot for myself where I think I will be really happy. I will definitely keep you updated on decorating - having more time on my own will hopefully result in more blogging. We'll see I guess!