Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Shiny objects
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sick :(
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Hi again
Monday, November 29, 2010
In summary...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
An Awesome Saturday (in picture form)
Friday, November 26, 2010
A good counter to a cold day....
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am so psychologically damaged
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Settling in for winter

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saying goodbye...
As I have previously mentioned, I am about to start a new job, and the last day in my current job is tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the people I've worked with and the subject matter has been really interesting. At times a little TOO interesting, we could have lived without a couple of headlines that made the papers but, oh well.

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Day 20
I have to admit that topic ideas are starting to become a bit thin on the ground so any ideas are appreciated.
Today was Saturday, a pretty good one at that. I slept it, then spent the afternoon tidying, doing laundry and generally hanging out. I made the mistake of doing my hair way too early in the day though, and the pretty curls I had at 3 are now pretty much gone. I am doing out tonight and was trying to do something different, I think a ponytail is now the likely look.
Going out tonight to try 'flights' of wine at a downtown winebar, where you get three different glasses of a particular type or according to a theme (place of origin, varietal, etc.) for under $15. I'm pretty excited. There will be dancing following that but I'm currently on the fence, will be going home to my parents' tonight and don't want to be sneaking in too late. Today is my mother's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY) and she suggested I spend the day there, we'll have a nice breakfast, she'll help me do some baking for my last day (post on that either tomorrow or Monday) and we'll have dinner with my grandmother. Should be pretty nice.
Time for me to do some last minute outfit/accessory determinations - life was a lot easier when I was back in Mtl with my roommate who knew my wardrobe better than I did...
Friday, November 19, 2010
I then crawled into bed and caught up on the TV I missed this week (Hellcats is still highly entertaining), and started reading Game of Thrones - so far so good.
The rest of the weekend will be pretty busy though, tomorrow I have house cleaning and laundry to do, followed by an evening on the town with work friends, then to do much baking on Sunday at my parents' and celebrate my mother's birthday. I also need to study for the drivers test I've just decided I'll write Monday, need to get back on the G1 horse. As an only child, I find I really need this quiet nights to myself to recharge my slightly introverted batteries and be ready to take on the world again come next week.
(Blows into a paper bag.)
I'll be fine. After one more old episode of The West Wing.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Positivity brings positive things....
My negative side is saying let's hope this doesn't all go to hell in a handbasket as usual.... kind of like this...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Good news
But first, carrying on my earlier commitment of this month to be a little less negative, I present to you some good news. We spend so much of our lives focused on sad/bad stories (explosions, serial killers, the economy) that when something nice comes along, it's hard not to smile.
First - some time next summer I get to sit down with some of my besties, wear flowery hats and drink (hopefully) spiked iced tea as we watch a royal wedding.
(P.S. I want the dress and the ring. I, like Miss Middleton, carry off blue very well)
Second - the Leafs are losing.
(I know it's not exactly NEWS but it's a good thing, sign everything is right in the world, and I really need some positivity in this area, am still tanking in my hockey pool)
Third - on a somewhat more serious, but still cheering note, the Globe and Mail published today an article showing that support and prevalence of female circumcision in Africa is declining due to educational and other public policy campaigns. There is a place for tradition in this world, but not when it places the health and safety of millions of girls at risk. However, many countries in Africa are putting emphasis and energy against this barbaric practise and their work is starting to pay off.
Fourth - on the topic of development, I got an e-mail today that one of my Kiva loans has been paid off in full! Kiva is an online microlending charity, I recieved a gift certificate for it a few years ago at Christmas, and have really enjoyed reading different candidates' applications for funds and seeing the money come back in. While there are certainly concerns about microloans in some areas, as today is about positivity, I acknowledge those concerns but in my research have found only good things about Kiva and the field organizations it looks at. If you're starting to look for Christmas presents for people, I would urge you to consider it, and see what positivity you can bring into someone's life.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Over halfway!
Monday, November 15, 2010
I hate you Jillian Michaels

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thank Goodness for the Library
Saturday, November 13, 2010
On financial responsibility
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pretty scarves and pretty friends

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Manic Wednesdays
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cooking for one
Monday, November 8, 2010
An Appreciation for the Arts...
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Bon Voyage!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fall faves....

Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
On the upside
Monday, November 1, 2010
On Musical Moments
But I also shrug and sing along, because I appreciate what that time was to me in my life.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Observed differences between the life style, daily habits and moments between a graduate student and public servant
Let's try this again....

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Another mission accomplished....
Got my boots (above, but in grey/brown = GREIGE!)! Not quite what I had intended but awesome nonetheless, wearing them around my parent's house today to break them in to wear to work this week.
Am house/cat sitting for my parents this weekend, it's very easy to slip back into my routine here but at the same time I kind of miss my place. It's just for a few days but eating their food is fun....
Sunday, September 12, 2010
One check mark...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
On responsible spending
Ah, fall. Not too many years ago this was the season of stocking up on a back to school wardrobe and getting back to classes. Not anymore, this year I actually had booked the first day of school off as I was returning from a long weekend wedding far away, and really appreciated the day to sleep in and hang with a friend I hadn’t seen all summer. We spent some time at a Starbucks patio across from an elementary school and it was really sweet to see all the little ones heading back, and gain an interesting view of what is cool this year.
I don’t think I’m buying their Hollister tees and short short SHORT skirts (good lord) but I am thinking about picking up a few pieces for fall. I officially started working last November so have since developed a decent winter-spring-summer wardrobe, but still need a few perfect fall pieces. I thought I’d share what I am currently coveting. The list is fairly short as I am a recent homeowner (pics and décor tips to come), I do actually have a self-imposed shopping budget but with some saving and amortizing a few pieces over a month or so’s worth of budget, I think I can make it work.
The perfect brown boot – to go with skirts, dresses and under jeans on casual Fridays. I bought a cheap-o leather jacket a few weeks ago with both caramel and darker browns, so am looking for a boot both the right colour and one that will fit over my less than slender calves.
The sweater dress (I’m thinking grey - ooh, kind of like this) – appropriate for days I don’t have meetings and long walks to appreciate the changing foliage.
The grey bag – with enough room for files, planner, wallet, etc., but not quite as large as my giant shoulder bags that tend to fill up with junk, and hopefully looking a bit more tidy. Saw a faux croc one the other night I am still pondering (kind of like this...).
And number one on my list – the gold boyfriend watch. This one is the non negotiable item, I started eyeing giant white watches over the summer but have realized now gold is where it’s at. Am actually currently in negotiations with someone on kijiji over one from Michael Kors (comme ca - isn't it darling?) – wish me luck!
What are you loving this fall? Any of my still grad student friends looking to expand their jeans and cute top repertoire?