I recently had an abstract accepted to an awesome conference at the end of May though, and I've told them that I'll be presenting the cumulative results of my whole damn thesis. In 15 minutes. That could be interesting..... In any case, I need to finish the lab work soon and get to the writing.
I must admit to feeling a bit daunted. When I did my honours thesis I had finished the lab work close to 5 months before the final thesis was complete, and so had OODLES of time to ponder and meander my way towards completion. It'll be a fair bit tighter this time, between the necessity of good results for the end of May for both the conference and to get my work approved for publication by the Aboriginal group I work with, PLUS absolutely positively having to be finished by the end of the summer so that I can take up the awesome NEW JOB.
I wish I was one of those people who could write well in short bursts of time, ie. when waiting for a reaction to complete. However, when faced with less than 3 or 4 dedicated hours to write I find I am more likely to use that time wandering the internet, going to chat with people, etc. So I really can't get this process moving intensely until I am complete with lab work.
I'm currently working on the intro/literature review for what will be a manuscript based thesis with (Hopefully! Fingers crossed!) two articles making up the body. My department says no more than 100 pages in total for the whole thesis, so how long should this be? Anyone got any tricks for writing a kick ass introduction? I also must admit to having a love affair with commas due to my long standing addiction with long sentences (which I hope you've picked up reading this blog). Any tricks for cutting that bad habit down?
Despite a few set backs in the lab this weekend (AKA I am an idiot and should not be trusted to be able to read labels before 9AM or without coffee in me), I won't have to truck out to the lab this weekend and will still be able to complete this section of work in the next week. I will likely be having a staring contest with my Word though, looking for academic inspiration, so please do spread some my way!
(P.S. Am way too excited about recently being put on the blog rolls of both the fabulous Dr. Isis (I hope some day to combine science and hot shoes like she does. Today's status, comfy sneakers) and Julie at Ethidium Bromide (who puts my dedication to science to shame). I so look up to both of these awesome women in science, so if you haven't checked them out before do so. Or if you've arrived here though them please drop me a note and say hi!)
Upcoming post: ye olde laptop of which I am lady has started to become a jerk. The process of working through the guilt of buying a new one....
1 comment:
Fifteen minutes it totally doable. You should read this on presenting a short seminar. It's totes brilliant.
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