Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh how I love weekends

This weekend is already off to a fabulous start. I slept in, listened to a bit of CBC, had a healthy breakfast and after chatting with the parentals, took off with the roomie to enjoy the beautiful day. I don't think that many cities are quite as lovely as the M-ville on nice days, and you could tell everyone was so happy that it was so mild today, and got out to celebrate the end of the winter. It's likely going to rain all day tomorrow, but that's Canada for you. We take advantage of all the good weather we can get.
I am somewhat ashamed to admit that today was the first time I've gotten to the Atwater Market since moving to town, despite it being a 10 minute walk away. There was so much nice veggies already and I picked up some super fresh maple syrup. Typical Canadian much? I can't stand the fake store stuff. Roomie and I made plans to return with a grocery cart sometime soon, though there is a bit of steep hill on the way home, which may require a cab ride for big trips. They also have a choclatier, flower shops, fromageries.... I can see a lot of money being spent there over the summer. 
I was quite upset to realize, while walking to Atwater, that my sunglasses had broken, but I found an awesome purple pair at the mall for only $5!
Roomie was shopping for a new top to wear out to dinner this evening, found a very cute one at the mall. I tried on a sweater that I thought would work, but rather than emphasizing my waist as it should have it just looked weird. I've come to terms over the years that my genes are just not those of someone who is ever going be a size 4, and have learned to dress to suit my assets. Those include a pretty awesome bust and a cute posterior. Even when I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week very little changed so it's not a matter of not being fit, this is just the way I am. Some stores are better than others for dressing those of us in between teeny weeny and plus size, realizing that tents almost never look on anyone and structure is a friend to most women. I have gotten better in time at not taking something not fitting right as a personal affront, more likely a store's limited imagination. The places that get it right can certainly profit from my money. This post from Jezebel on the total anachronism of magazines trying to put us into little 'groups' as they advise us how to dress made me laugh, and hope it will too. 
Anyways, am now chilling post shopping and will likely have a relaxing evening. The next few weeks are going to be crazy so I think  I will need it! Hope to do Earth Hour, need to find enough candles to read or something.... Ta for now!

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