Friday, March 13, 2009


You can tell that you've had a productive week when come after 4 on a Friday afternoon, your brain starts to grind...... to ...... a..... halt. I'd give up but am waiting for my carpool buddy to get out of class. Instead, am working on powerpoint slides for upcoming presentations (playing with the colour schemes is WAY too much fun) and ruminating.
I've had a pretty productive week and actually found some really good sources today. Am still on track to be finished the second third of my lab work by the end of the month. WOOHOO! I have a mound of editing/writing to slog through this weekend though, and at least part of Monday. However, am reaching a part of my thesis when I have more and more questions about a variety of subjects, and my supervisors are being rather difficult to get hold of. *Sigh* I know it'll get worked out, I just get frustrated with the waiting around I often have to do.
Anyways, don't want to end the week on an annoyed note, despite have a boat load of work to do I have so many fabulous plans for this weekend! Drinking with a lovely former quasi-roomate (she hung out in my room in 1st year to avoid her rather smelly and odd actual roomate), shopping with a great discount card (thanks x-ine!), dinner with another undergrad friend who is also slogging it out here, Battlestar marathon on Sunday..... it just goes on and on. I figure, I have less than 6 months of living in Montreal left (ZOMG!) and so I should take advantage as much as I can. 
I would also like to note here how much I really am going to miss Battlestar but currently have no idea how this whole end business is really going to go down. Anyone have any thoughts?

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