So it's my first year as a graduate student and I have for a long time thought that once I got to reading week I would be annoyed and sad to keep having to go to work when all the undergrads are off having fun in the sun. And I have been terribly envious of all the people posting pictures of their lovely looking vacations, especially from the people who went on this year's Queen's biology field course to Argentina. This time last year, I was tramping up hills galore in Mexico, looking very outdoorsy and while not having a proper vacation, I was warm. Oh so warm.
These days, as it is currently -16 degrees in Montreal, the closest I'm getting to Mexico is when I break a sweat on the elliptical. Le sigh.
But I have to admit, that beyond the holidaying envy (which is somewhat assuaged by my plan to run off to Costa Rica next winter with my labmates).... working through reading week is not that bad. The shuttles are still running and there was about 6 people when I took it on Monday and Tuesday. The traffic seems not so bad. My friend who I carpool with is back now, and so I've gotten to ride in comfort (thanks to Starbucks both mornings) the last 2 days. And it's blissfully quiet out here on Mac. I don't have to try 2 different bathrooms to find an available stall. There are no undergrads screeching at each other outside my door. I'm even being pretty productive. So while I would prefer to be on a beach, being in my lab listening to Kylie Minogue is really not so horrible.
Liz (see the roomie at the right) has been posting several messages to the cat recently as she's been working from home and had more opportunity for the cat to get her up in the morning. When I'm going into work I often get up before the cat thinks is sane so I'm usually safe from her trying to get me up. So without that option for blog writing, and no undergrads to rant about, I'm not quite sure what to finish this post with except for..... HAWKESLY! Seeing him tomorrow night, so excited, although I don't seem to have developed the tourrets that Ashleigh has. With that bit of non-PCness I guess I'll get back to work.... ;)
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