Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ingredients for a great night:
-eating KD and dogs
-American Idol with cute boys singing and Paula being absolutely batshit (your voice is coming from beautiful colours.... WTF?). I want to know what she's on.
-my roommate's magic hands getting rid of the tension in my neck
-Barack slapping down Hillary in Wisconsin
-the West Wing on DVD, and early to bed (also not having to get up super early tomorrow!)

Combined with the possibility I may have solved one of my lab troubles, I'm having a pretty good night. Hope you are too.


x-ine said...

I had a great night! The Habs are nipping on your Sens' heels with a 6-5 comeback victory!

... I know you're secretly impressed! :p

Eve said...

KD and dogs! Oh man I want KD and dogs.