Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ah, Christmastime
I've thought of some more serious things to post about, especially some pet peeves I've recently developed based on opinions expressed by other people about grad school, but I'm not feeling smart enough to express them tonight.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sleepy yet bored
1. Started my own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than I can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sung a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched lightning at sea
14. Taught myself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train - bus, yes - SUCKED
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors - hopefully this coming year, post MSc!
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - glorious summers working
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa - my lifelong dream!!
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia - want to so bad!
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House - if being outside and looking in counts
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous - does Peter Mackay count? I so need to use that photo some day...
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Ridden an elephant
Dammit, just found more things for my to do list....
Friday, December 12, 2008
Roller coaster
So the work has been up and down. Similarly, so has my actual will to work. I have 4 days left of real productivity to be sought after, before I get to go home for the holidays and see some friends I haven't seen in over a year! There will be shopping, and baking, and parties..... I really can't wait.
The crazy snow we got hasn't helped either. It has been lovely to look at and induce dreams of christmas, thus adding to the lack of will to work, and making getting home a nightmare. It took me 2 and a HALF hours to get home on Tuesday! I stayed home Wednesday, only to venture out later and marvel at all the ice coating the trees, which was really quite lovely.
(I took pictures of this magical ice on my Blackberry but they have unfortunately turned out rather blurry, sorry!)
In any case, this week has actually finished off quite well and I've completed the stuff that needed to be, which for grad school, is pretty damn good.
I'm looking forward to the weekend, lots of relaxing and also hope to have fun with a few people. You have a good weekend too!
P.S. A good thing - I'm pretty happy with how Ignatieff is doing so far as the head of the liberals, I think he's striking the right now in terms of being open to talk, but maintaining the hard line. I will, however, miss Stephane Dion very much. In case you ever read this - my friend Christine and I will totally take you out for drinks to drown your sorrows. Give me a shout, it'll be a blast, we'll braid each other's hair and talk about the environment.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
These people must be stopped

In one episode of Studio 60, two of the guys discuss that there is a lot of stupid instructions these days. Instructions that tell people to not use the hairdryer in the tub, etc., and isn't this perhaps working against the natural selection that would otherwise be aiding us to thin the herd of the terminally stupid?
This brings me to Jenny McCarthy.
Jenny McCarthy rose to prominence via taking off her clothes. While that's very nice for her, I don't find it sufficient to allow her to argue against nearly every PhD and MD on the planet. They argue that autism is not caused by toxins in vaccines, the environment, food, but rather its a neurophysiological syndrome. She disagrees. Stridently. On Oprah and any other talk show that will take her.
I despise this woman. Just because you're a celebrity does not give you the right to try and indoctrinate the world to your crackpot ideas, no matter what Tom Cruise tells you. By increasing paranoia and fear as relating to vaccines, you're contributing to the rise of many diseases which have been almost eradicated in the western world. Its as dumb as arguing for intelligent design except it leads to CHILDREN DYING. Argh. Why can we not remove these people from the herd?
And if you don't believe me, just listen to Puppet Stephen Colbert.... (via Puppets who rant)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am already getting quite excited for Christmas. I'll have to do some writing over the break, but a number of my friends who are studying on the West Coast will be back, and of course I'll get to do the family thing. I have an absurdly large family who I love to death (most of the time), and really the only downside I find from going away to school is that I miss a lot of events, all involving free food. As a grad student, I really like free food (I pretended to be interested in the Quebec election last night to get some free bread and fruit) and so only increases my wish to be at those events.
I'm already playing Christmas carols on my computer, and the roomie and I will be hosting people on Sunday night to do some decorating, maybe a few crafts and watch a holiday movie, while drinking spiked hot chocolate. It'll be great!
We're debating which movie to show, and it led me to thinking about my favourite holiday movies this morning, which I thought I'd share with you all...

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - hilarious. Utterly hilarious. My mom and I watch this every year and HOWL with laughter. The squirrel, the family, the lights.... as a grad student I also really enjoy Clark testing out his super slippery "non-nutritive cereal varnish". *Snort*
2. White Christmas - a wonderful musical from the 50s, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. I've watched this movie every year since I was re

Anyways, if you haven't seen any of these films, you simply must. Go. Now. I don't care if you're at work, or doing something actually productive *snort* but you must put it aside. Or Baby Jesus will cry. (As if I can't get through one post without snarkyness...)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Busy busy busy
It's been a crazy couple of weeks.
Last week, was running several PCRs a day, so that I could have data to present in Mistissini last weekend. Thursday worked for 10 hours, ran home, ate quickly and kept working for a few more hours. We drove up Friday, 14 hours thanks to the bus breaking down many kilometers from any town, and arrived around 9. Saturday and Sunday were some really
This week has also been busy, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for my real time work - only about one more week! Woohoo! And I even have some significant results so far.... Might actually be able to pull all this off.
Still haven't reacted here to Obama winning! Yayy!!! Roomie and I spent Tuesday night frantically reloading pages on CNN along with all the blogs. Interesting to see what the next few months will bring.
One thing that I hope will not be brought is more of Sarah Palin. You lost lady! Go b

Though I do kind of want to see her run against Obama in 2012 to get completely smacked down in the debates.
Another busy Saturday is ahead of me, going to a mini conference out on Mac, then running home to host a dinner party for people in my lab. Sunday, however, I will basically refuse to leave my bed. Cannot wait. Ta ta for now!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
48 hours to go....
In any case, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to fill my time with after Tuesday, checking blogs and latest polls has been the major way I've entertained myself in the lab while waiting for reagants to thaw, etc. But in any case, if I have any Americans reading this blog who haven't yet voted, listen to my Canadian plea..... FOR GOD'S SAKE, VOTE OBAMA!
We enjoyed getting to mock your president for 8 years, but we really don't need more... recessions, wars, increased headaches at airports due to security, loss of manufacturing jobs due to downturns in the states, air pollution, greenhouse gasses, international instability, nuclear proliferation in those unstable states, genocides, prescription pill shortages due to Americans coming up here to buy them, species under threat thanks to Republican's love of hunting and ignorance of conservation, guns, moral deserters fleeing to Canada (not that I'm not for them being allowed to stay, but there shouldn't be any at all!), trade embargoes, Wal Marts, Russia getting cocky again (despite Palin keeping an eye on that), Starbucks closing thanks to a tanking economy and real estate market, creationists, pro-lifers and idiots who see no need to educate themselves about the world around them, thanks to Bush's shining example.
This list could go on (if you think of more, please leave a comment!) and I know I'm biassed, but please, vote Democratic on Tuesday, the world, and not just Canada, will thank you for it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Are you ready for this?
Winter is coming! A major snow storm projected for this evening, the first one of the year. My little Canadian heart is full to bursting, ready to take on the deluge.
I however, am somewhat disheartened, as I yet again have needed to go back to optimize my real time work. Will it ever end? Will I ever truly have data? No one knows....
Having already done a lot of lab work today and it also being grey and rainy out, my ability to work has slid steadily down this afternoon.... so I've been reading awesome blogs by other grad students and profs. I know I blogged a while ago that I was quite certain a PhD wasn't for me, really enjoying my field work and writing tests for government jobs (filled with horrible situations and formulas!) have made me consider it again. Yes I know, you groan, can't I ever make up my mind? Well, I really can't so PhD is back on the list of possible to dos. Definitely in a few years, I'm going to need time away to decompress after the stress of this Masters, but its back.
Anyways, along with reading grad student blogs, I've also been keeping up on the election in the States. I really don't know what I'm going to do when its all over.... do real work? ha!
(P.S. the roomie and I have awesome halloween costume ideas, with me as a certain VP candidate and her as that candidate's knocked up daughter. Hopefully we can twist some arms to get people to go out with us on Friday)
Friday, October 17, 2008
New things
Have had an incredibly busy week of meetings, lab work, banging head against lab bench and social activities. Also managed to submit a big important scholarship application, keep your fingers crossed for me!
I find myself in an odd position of being very focused on what I'm working on right now, trying to keep a handle on my deadlines (all self-appointed but I love them so!) and think of what's next, but having to consider and think of the future.
I'm submitting job applications. As in REAL jobs, that would pay me more than the lower than the poverty line amount I currently receive (but am totally appreciative of of course, I like to eat). Jobs I could have for a while, rather than the 4 months stints I've done in the summers. If you know me, you know I LOVE to plan. Planning and me, such buddies. But I know that right now, whats important is whats in front of me, though thinking about cute office outfits is a good motivator on sleepy afternoons like today.
Anyways, off to Ottawa soon for a fabulous reunion with all my fabulous former Kingston roomates! So excited. Got to do a little bit more work before I go so ta for now!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
How am I supposed to compete with that?!
I'm going to hell aren't I?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Eyugh, my head
I think Biden pulled it off in the end. I loved it when he said how horrible Cheney has been, he clearly ran the table when it came to foreign policy, he's actually been to Chad (to her, its something you might consider to name a baby) and even his reference to his family tragedy, though veered dangerously into sap zone, just showed his humanity which I think will only reassure all the independent and centrist women who have been so offended by Palin's nomination.
She didn't terribly fumble, no terrible answers but the number of answers she didn't answer was pretty significant and she definitely lost steam towards the end. Most pundits are already saying that it was essentially a tie, but one that will not hurt the Obama campaign, and I think his numbers will just keep going up *knock on wood*. (UPDATE! Polls are showing that most people who watched are calling it for Biden, finding him more knowledgable.)
While we watched the VP debate, we had the Canadian debate on mute. We're bad Canadians, I know, but our minds are already made up. It did do my heart good though to see Elizabeth May in there swinging, she had a good burn moment at Harper. I don't think that Harper will be getting the majority, but I am fairly certain that but for a major event, Dion will not be the leader of the Liberals for the election after this one. I'll miss him.
All the stridency has given me a bit of headache though, will head to bed quite soon. I've gotten a fair amount done this week, taking on a big challenge next week, let's see how this all goes. As a grad student I feel quite insulated from the world (P.S. If you haven't seen it, check out the recent PhD Comic on the economy and its impact on grads), but I do intend to enter it quite soon. I've been applying for a scholarship to get a policy degree so I've been reading a lot more. I keep saying I want to save the world. I have a lot of work ahead of me....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Update and rant

Hey folks, sorry for the long lapse in posting. First upon returning to Montreal I ran around like a crazy person, trying to start processing all of my samples. As it was also my birthday the next week I had to celebrate that, and returning to Montreal, and it being nice weather, and that beer is yummy.... and I celebrated a bit too much. Unfortunately, my health then took another turn for the worse. I have to have some minor surgery tomorrow, and perhaps removal of my gall bladder at some point. I returned home to the parents house for the weekend to be pampered, and came back today for my procedure for tomorrow. Wish me luck!
But beyond my own annoying life, I have something to rant about that I feel I should share with the world. This picture is a little old, from some point last week, but raised my ire from the beginning.

Auugh. I find it incredibly hard to believe that despite all her millions, the extensive staff we see supervising her children, management, etc. that she doesn't have a NetFlix account. Or, you know, her OWN MOVIES. Or someone she can send to the store. Or doesn't Blockbuster now have some sort of online option, in case she's really brand loyal or something? I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS.
She KNOWS that she will have her picture taken there, and I do realize that she is not the most rational person in the world, but does she not consider how weird and trashy it seems? You've come so far recently Brit-Brit, you can kick this awful habit too!
That is all for now folks, will let you know how my procedure goes as soon as I can...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Back in Montreal
I thought I would go through a bit more of a culture shock back in Montreal than I have, but aside from the urge to continue greeting everyone I come across as I did in the communities, I've slid quite comfortably back into city life. I wandered around this afternoon with Caroline, enjoying Starbucks, gelato and yummy Thai food just as I had been dreaming. I've even managed to unpack most everything from the trip, will cart my samples to Mac tomorrow and slowly ease back into the lab life. I definitely didn't miss the commute, but I will grin and bear it until April. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed my musings on life in the field, and continue to check in with me. Now the subjects will likely shift to frustration with my lab work, and various other topics of the day. For example, I can't help but be gleeful today with the news that Sarah Palin is going to be a grandmother..... but until the next time, tootles!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Whapmagoostui, day two
Thursday, August 28, 2008
And finally.... Whapmagoostui
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Mistissini, then on to Chisasabi
No signs of bears yet, just lots of bugs according to the day. Miss you all - looking on track to be home Sept. 3rd!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Off to Nemaska
I don't know how good the internet connection I may have in Nemaska will be, so this could go on hiatus for a bit. Hope you're all well!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Waskaganish, days 5-6
After that, Ashleigh showed me the amazing rapids near town, and on the way down there we spotted even more mountain ash! Going back there today, along with to the other site I've heard have them, so should have all the populations I need. Tomorrow I'm going to try and interview a few people about the preparation of it.
Enjoy this little video I took at the rapids. Excuse the insane talk, we were pretty tired and had gotten very frustrated of dealing with the bugs....
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Waskaganish, days 2-4
off. Here are some of the pictures I've taken so
far, its really a beautiful spot here, and having berry bushes everywhere to munch off certainly doesn't hurt!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Waskaganish, day one
Had an up and down day, spent a lot of time talking to people and looking for people, but not really accompishling a lot, until the late afternoon when I found a huge stand of mountain ash, and then we found the healer we were looking for. We're supposed to go talk to her tomorrow, we'll see!
I went to a feast this evening, and tried several kinds of bannock and MOOSE meat. It was pretty good. We also found a huge moose bone while looking through the forest, so I'm sure to have lots of stories once I'm back!
The schedule I had painstakingly put together is of course already looking unreliable... my goal is still to be back in Montreal for my birthday. We'll see. We'll also see how often I get to post here! Love to you all.
Monday, August 4, 2008
It was a long day of driving but we got off at a decent time and have safely made it to Val-d'Or. Tomorrow will be a longer day, with a long stretch of gravel road. We have accommodation reserved in our first destination, Waskaganish, from the 5th to the 11th, and it in the works for us to go to Nemaska after that. We'll have to see if Ashleigh, my labmate, and I will stick together for a long time though. Neither of us has a field assistant but it would be a lot of work. We shall see. Ta for now.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sing Yellow Again!
At some point during our tenure at 152 Johnson Street, my roommates and I compiled a list. On this list were 10-15 men who we wanted to fulfill various tasks around the house for us, and when they weren't serving their duties, we decided would live in the basement. Some of these lucky guys were Jamie Oliver, who would be our cook, Hugh Grant, our butler, Patrick Swayze, our dance instructor…. The list changed over time as we became enamored of new guys but one was a constant. Chris Martin was to sing us to sleep every night. And we cackled as we used a British accent to whine 'But when are you going to let me go? I miss my children…', to which we would have obviously replied 'Shush Chris, sing 'Yellow' again!'.
He sang 'Yellow' to me on Tuesday night and it was amazing.
My friend Ash and I decided that we really wanted to see Coldplay as they were going to be in town, and braved the scalpers to finally score fairly decent tickets. The concert was absolutely amazing, the whole arena singing along and swaying to the music. Am now obsessed with the new album, most of which I heard at the concert. If you haven't listened to it yet, you simply must.
Yes his dancing was crazy, yes his voice is amazing and he held the crowd in the palm of his hand. I love going to concerts, the energy of the crowd, seeing what a band can do live… everything about them combines to create an experience that I always appreciate. Its taken a little while but I'm starting to really appreciate Montreal for everything it offers. For a long time I didn't see something I couldn't get in Ottawa, with less snow and a smaller commute. But this summer, getting to go to jazz fest, the beach, and Coldplay on a whim, has made me really appreciate what the city has to offer.
So of course I'm leaving. On Monday I'm off to the north of Quebec to do field work for my Masters, and I will try to use this blog to keep people updated. So stay tuned! I still have a lot to organize before I go, but am still not too anxious. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Weird. Definitely weird.
But while I am currently feeling some trepidation, I remain oddly calm. I can't affix dates of when I'll be certain places, so can't book accommodation yet. But it'll work out. The chances of me encountering a bear are rather small, in part due to me buying one of the more annoying bear bells ever but that's a GOOD thing! Any bears will hear me coming for miles and we will not encounter each other. Or they'll hear the ATV I've been down I'm going to learn how to drive into the bush (there's a real reason to flip out), and make themselves scarce.
Yes there is some nervousness, but its not chronic and its not debilitating. I'd like to say its because I had some sort of major epiphany, moment of zen, etc. but I didn't. Well, I kind of did. When my skin was keeping me in the throes of misery and I was a frequent patron of Google University, with it's vast repository of GROSS pictures, most things I consulted told me that stress was a major part of eczema. 'Stress?' I laughed. 'I'm a grad student, stress is inevitable!'
But while I know that most graduate students are often under stress, I had to recognize that the stress I felt and the way I dealt with it (ignoring until tears erupt or completely breakdown, lather, repeat second, third and fourth years of undergrad) were not healthy. So I took myself in hand and called the school counseling service, and requested an appointment.
I've since been having semi-regular appointments with a rather geeky looking, quite quirky, but insightful psychiatrist who has helped me realize that expecting everything to happen now and be perfect, yet always imagining the worst that could happen, is no way to go through life. I was very nervous about going the first time, and did actually burst into tears, but its a step I'm really glad I took. I wouldn't say its completely changed me, but adjusted my thinking just enough that I can get out of my head and enjoy my life, without expecting an avalanche at any moment.
Maybe one day I'll even manage to not be emotionally affected by contestants being kicked off So You Think You Can Dance before I think its their time. Perhaps I can work on that next week with my therapist, because thanks to my current state of calm, we're kind of running out of things to talk about.... nah, I'm sure I'll find a proper crisis before then. Kidding, really. (Or AM I?)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Spend enough time with me and you'll learn that I LOVE to bake. Love to find new recipes, use old favourites, make a mess of the kitchen, harass my neighbours for more icing sugar (long story), etc. It's a stress reliever for me, which I didn't really understand until I looked back at the methodology I used to make banana bread this evening. At work, my methods have to be quite particular and precise, so as not to waste reagent, allow for cross contamination, etc. It seems that I want to rebel from time to time. Observe:
Locale: Montreal, Quebec – my kitchen
The instructions read (my actions are in pink):
I've assembled all the ingredients on the counter, along with my laptop currently blasting 'The Dance' by Charlotte Martin. I'm following a recipe I found on YumSugar (Lite Banana Bread)
Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife (Look into flour container, realize there probably isn't the 2 cups required, so turn container upside down and whack the bottom to shake all the excess into the bowl).
Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt, stirring with a whisk (Or a fork, considering as the whisk is in the large implement vase and is nearly impossible to force it back in after use). (Start and win a staring contest with your cat. Then rub in your win by chasing her around the apartment).
Place sugar and butter in a large bowl, and beat with a mixer at medium speed until well blended (about 1 minute) (Realize you don't have a mixer anymore, so again employ the fork technique. Dance to the Pussycat Dolls 'When I Grow Up' as you do so. {WHAT?! I like them……}) Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add banana (Which had been frozen in your freezer for an indeterminate amount of time, causing your roommate to frequently ask if you were going to do anything with those {SEE Liz? You go away, I get industrious}. So these are frozen bananas that have been thawing, and kind of squelch out of the peel. Go 'Ewwwwwwwwwww!' as you extract each, causing the cat to look at you weird), yogurt, and vanilla (Spill vanilla all over counter, use bad words); beat until blended (Or until the end of 'Promiscuous' by Nelly Furtado. Already a classic).
Add flour mixture; beat at low speed just until moist. (Add chocolate chips as seriously, there is nothing better than banana and chocolate chips. Eat a few to make sure they're still good. Add more to bowl) Spoon batter into an 8 1/2 x 4 1/2-inch loaf pan coated with cooking spray (Don't have either in the cupboard but substitute square pan and margarine rubbed in with a paper towel. Rich in fiber!)
Bake at 350° for 1 hour or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan on a wire rack; remove from pan (Drop onto plate as don't have wire racks). Cool completely on wire rack (Cut out a piece, try, and proclaim delicious. Cat still doesn't care but feel good knowing will go to a meeting tomorrow armed with baked goods. Wash down with a big glass of water and some anti skin itch drugs. My life is so glamorous….)
So I think I like to bake because it lets me hit things, dance around my kitchen and eat chocolate all to be sure that I deliver the best possible product to my friends and colleagues. I am so going to be a weird mom one day. (We'll get into my current unhealthy obsession with mommy blogs another day)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Things that are currently amazing:
- Fudgesicles. I don't mean that I am currently having a oh so chocolately popsicle but I had a lot this weekend and they made me a much happier person. I had a lot though, requiring the roomie to pick up some more on her way home because SHE is amazing.
- The 'Restore Session' option when Firefox closes inexplicably (which is definitely not amazing or cool), especially when I've just found a really useful article I want to download…. And also preserving the blog I'm reading on the other pane, written by a woman who is finishing her dissertation with a 16 month old, pregnant with another one, thus is not allowed caffeine or alcohol and is thus my hero.
- My air conditioner, its going to make sleeping so much easier tonight.
- The feeling of getting stuff done, and taking steps forwards. Not that I'm not jealous of people in most of the buildings on the downtown campus who's water has been shut down and thus were sent home early *shakes fist*.
Its been a while since my last, rather whiny post. Since then I have improved a lot but am feeling itchy and blotchy again today, so made yet another dermatologist appointment. Hopefully will not go crazy before I leave for the field….
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
He is the best boyfriend EVER
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So here is the recipe that I've been tantalizing you all with, delish vegetarian enchiladas! (For my lone vegan reader (Hi Aly! Miss you!), I think everything is OK but for the cheese, oh and the sour cream I poured on top). The recipes are a combination of a low fat one from HungryGirl, and a sauce I found on line and adapted somewhat.
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. flour
2 tsp. cayenne pepper
½ tsp. cumin powder
Half a diced jalapeno
2 cups water
1 can tomato paste
1 tsp. garlic power
½ tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. salt
Heat the oil, flour and chili pepper together in a large pot; allow to cook for a minute or two. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a slow simmer. Stir well to combine and dissolve tomato paste well. Allow to cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Can cook for as long as you need it to, I had it on for at least 40 minutes, it just got spicier – yum!)
1 cup diced onions (or more, according to your preferences)
1 can refried beans
4 tbsp. taco sauce
2 tsp. taco seasoning
Tortillas (approximately 8)
Enchilada sauce
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
Preheat onion to 400 °C. Cook onions over medium heat, then combine in a bowl with refried beans, taco sauce, taco seasoning. Warm tortillas in microwave. Spread around 2 tbsp. enchilada sauce in each tortilla with grated cheese, and then evenly distribute bean mixture. Wrap tortillas tightly and place in a buttered baking dish seam down. Once all are in the pan (I used 2 8×8 pans for all 8), pour the remaining enchilada sauce on top. Bake for 10 minutes, then remove and sprinkle remaining cheese on top and return to oven for another 5 minutes until cheese is melted. Serve hot with fresh guacamole and sour cream. Enjoy!
Deathwatch (see above)
I am SO excited about going to New York this weekend, hopefully I'll see some celebrities!!
(Enchilada recipe to be posted tonight, during American Idol ;) )
Friday, May 9, 2008
I am such a nerd

I'm having a nerd freak out right now, as I am so amazed and into the recent results of the platypus's genome being sequenced by Australian researchers.
First of all, platypuses (platyipi? Wikipedia says that according to Latin rules the plural should be platypodes, I can't decide which sounds the best to me) are just plain awesome. A beaver with a beak which can be used to electrolocate in water? A mammal that makes VENOM to fight off reproductive competitors? It's simply amazing.
Results of the genome being sequenced, found here, show a mix of reptilian, mammalian and bird like traits. The fact that the genes which determine sex in platypi (ha ha) are most similar to birds is fascinating to me. These creatures are often seen as proof that the Creator has a sense of humour, but I see it more as another example of the creativity inherent in evolution. They have perfectly filled their niche by using a variety of completely disparate traits, and look absolutely adorable doing it.
(I'm sorry if you were hoping that a new post would be me talking about exciting exploits, but I have to admit my life is pretty boring these days, so this is actually an exciting event. Though making enchiladas last night was pretty good, I'll likely post my recipe here soon....)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Summertime..... and the workin' ain't easy
a) I forgot my umbrella and would rather it rained before I left for the day, and also my shoes are not meant for rain.
b) it would make working a lot easier, I am currently staring outside wishing I could go play rather than write an article.
I know that inspiration will hit me eventually, but I'm getting tired of waiting!
(P.S. I love the Habs but the hooligans who think that torching police cars is awesome? Are JERKs!)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ingredients for a wicked weekend
Numerous - bottles of wine (actually have lost track of number) to mix with dozens of strawberries for poor man's sangria.
21 - the high both Saturday and Sunday, making walking around so so nice.
WAY TOO MUCH - money spent shopping, but me so pretty now!
10 - sleeping in until both mornings, so actually kind of rested.
Last - season of West Wing to watch on my couch.
Lots of adorable..... penguins! otters wrestling! puffins! monkeys! (I officially love the Biodome)
Too many to count - laughs, along with fantastic friends.
Mix together, along with a crazy DJ who I thought was going to head bob his head right off with appreciation of his own beats, Juno, Mulan (alright Donny Osmond! and Eddie Murphy from when he wasn't creepy!), and try to ignore the Habs losing, and its been pretty sweet. Why do I have to go to work again? *pout*
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Becoming an academic
When did I become a real life academic?
Up to this point, work that I have been contributing too has been led by others, but it was pointed out to me yesterday that the research I did for a presentation in my population genetics class could be turned into a short review article that could be useful for my lab to use in funding applications. My supervisor thinks I can do this. Time to see if I can.
P.S. The Sens are making me sad. I may have to buy a Habs shirt sooner than I would have liked.
Monday, April 7, 2008
But will I have more fun?
Let's just hope that this doesn't make me even more of a ditz than I usually am though. So far haven't done anything insanely dumb, *knock on wood*...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Go Sens Go!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I wore cute shoes outside.
I presented my seminar and it was well-received!
I'm getting my hair cut and coloured on Saturday (finally).
It was a good day, hopefully it'll turn into good PCR results tomorrow...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Is it possible to April fool yourself?
I've agreed to move up my hourlong seminar on diabetes from next Wednesday to TOMORROW. I did it mainly so that I could go home next Friday night but as I am currently sitting in the library being wildly unproductive (ie. blogging), the panic levels are rising. I know I just have to wait for the moment when the motivation and the drive will come and I'll be fine, but I'm getting a little worried that that'll happen about 9 pm tonight. I think I'm going to be writing this during American Idol tonight, lol.
However, I had an awesome time hanging out with people from my lab last night. I just wish we all got to spend more time together but we will just have to press the supervisor to throw a party in the spring....
Monday, March 31, 2008
Why I'm jumping off this ivory tower
But I'm not getting a PhD. As much as I'm enjoying my Masters, I am feeling the lure of government work, where I can be paid extremely well, have great job and pension security, flexibility for when I have a family, and also do my part to make Canada better. Another reason that I'm not getting my PhD is that I am terrified of the comprehensive exams process. I think I would cry for about the month leading up to it. But one of the most significant reasons I don't want to become a Professor is because of my sex, and the real discrimination which is still placed against it in academic settings, especially for science.
I am currently working in a department strongly deviated from the norm, with several female professors, one of whom was head of the department for the last year. The graduate students are predominantly women as well. And while we are part of an extremely large university, recently ranked 12th best in the world, I think that we have managed this because its a very small department, in a small part of the field and with several unique research interests.
My undergraduate career culminated with a fourth year thesis in a much larger department, and while again the undergraduates were mainly women and there were no overt indications that biology is difficult to get ahead in, I observed several things. There were 2 female professors with tenure out of nearly 30 professors in total. One the 2 women happened to be my supervisor and she had managed to balance both a research career and a family, but often made comments that inferred that there were a number of members of the department who didn't take her seriously, due to the focus of her research, her vehemence that scientists must speak for the environment and not try and remain neutral as some would suggest, and that she did not commit insane hours in the office so that she could go home with her children. She worked several hours at home every night (I have e-mails sent at 11:30 to prove it!) and involved herself in numerous department committees and processes, and was an excellent lecturer. But there was always the sense that she wasn't quite as serious, not as much a real scientist.
I recently found a blog linked to by one of my dear friends who is being very brave and pursuing her PhD, called FemaleScienceProfessor, which is written by a leading female researcher in the sciecnes. I must admit to reading several of the posts this afternoon. The anonymous blogger relates people asking about her private life in interviews (which is pretty much illegal), being constantly assumed to be a student or post-doc rather than an actual professor, and other moments that her credibility as a researcher is questioned due to her sex. It's a depressing read in some cases but I am also very impressed with the author for expressing her problems so well and serving as an example for those braver than I. I'm jumping off the tower, but wish all my female brethren the very best of luck.
I'm baaaaack
But I can't apply because I have more than a year left of school. Poor school, where I have to wake up super early and do homework, not cool. But I'll stick it out. The Coach purses will motivate me.
Nothing super new to report, returned to the lab today and am trying to finish up my ethics application so I can focus on all my coursework due in the next few weeks. But once that's done that is all the courses I have to do!! Mwa ha ha....
It seemed to almost be spring this morning but the snow that started soon after I got to the lab seems to indicate otherwise. I'll hold out, with visions of cute non-salt stained shoes and being able to hang out outside motivating me. I'm thinking of getting a leash for my cat so I can take her out, she's getting a little squirrely. Maybe she needs some squirrel in her! *Bdoom-ching* Thank you, thank you - I'll be here for what seems like forever, try the chicken.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Miss Manners taught me so well...
As a note, the blog will be heading on the road next week (as most of the 4 people who read this blog know), first to Ottawa to be taken care of by the parentals and then to Toronto for a conference. My first real academic conference! I'm fluttering with excitement and debating what to pack, what to pack. Hopefully I'll manage to post something, but until then, catch y'all later!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Bitter is the new Montreal
I've always wanted my life to be more like Jen Lancaster's - but I was thinking the designer clothes and successful writing career, not having issues with icky water coming from the ceiling.
I was floating in blissful sleep last night when my subconscious registered a dripping noise. Having had to give the tap an extra turn the night preceding to shut it off, I presumed it was the sink again. However, as I stepped out of my bedroom into the hallway I couldn't help but notice the HUGE PUDDLE on my floor.
I look up - there is a massive crack on the ceiling outside my bathroom and its dripping. Charming. So I do what comes naturally, panic, wake up Liz, put a bowl down and place a bitchy call to my building's emergency number. (BTW - having a building professionally managed is SO much better than having your landlord's 80 year old cancer patient handyman come over. I never wanted him to do anything, just sit down and have a cookie!). I then notice another crack - on my bedroom wall - and the stuff coming out of it is.... frothy?
So I've had a less than great 4 hours of kind of sleeping since then, but was impressed that before 9 there have been 3 capable looking guys in here. Who told me that the upstairs neighbour likely had let her toilet overflow for around an hour, and thus why there are now 3 cracks in my ceiling and pockets of moisture in the bathroom that we're sure are about to go too.
And this was going to be my productive working at home day..... I feel your pain Jen.