In one episode of Studio 60, two of the guys discuss that there is a lot of stupid instructions these days. Instructions that tell people to not use the hairdryer in the tub, etc., and isn't this perhaps working against the natural selection that would otherwise be aiding us to thin the herd of the terminally stupid?
This brings me to Jenny McCarthy.
Jenny McCarthy rose to prominence via taking off her clothes. While that's very nice for her, I don't find it sufficient to allow her to argue against nearly every PhD and MD on the planet. They argue that autism is not caused by toxins in vaccines, the environment, food, but rather its a neurophysiological syndrome. She disagrees. Stridently. On Oprah and any other talk show that will take her.
I despise this woman. Just because you're a celebrity does not give you the right to try and indoctrinate the world to your crackpot ideas, no matter what Tom Cruise tells you. By increasing paranoia and fear as relating to vaccines, you're contributing to the rise of many diseases which have been almost eradicated in the western world. Its as dumb as arguing for intelligent design except it leads to CHILDREN DYING. Argh. Why can we not remove these people from the herd?
And if you don't believe me, just listen to Puppet Stephen Colbert.... (via Puppets who rant)
Ok, not to give Jenny McCarthy ANY credibility, because I don't think she deserves any....
Just because something is neurological doesn't mean it isn't caused by the environment. Autism just doesn't seem to be caused by the environment.
As a parent of two kids who are Aspies (Asperger's Syndrome - high functioning Autism) I agree. What we have been told and learned in our research is that a neurological break occurs in the brain around the time of birth. What causes the break? Who knows. Maybe the Mother ate too much of her favourite cravings. Maybe too many smoked meat sandwiches or ice cream.
We know people who do the gluten free diet, and all the other anti-autsem fads to try and cure their kids. Do those work? Who knows.
The best treatment for Autism is early intervention, hard work, diligence and patience.
I may have misspoken a bit while writing this post, I was rather aggravated. I do agree that there are some environmental factors which likely contribute to development of autism or aspergers. My biggest beef is with those who are saying that they know EXACTLY what caused it or EXACTLY how to cure it. Because we don't know.
I agree with you Anne, and thanks for your comment, that hard work and time is the best way to deal with these syndromes. I've worked with kids with both autism and aspergers, who were all wonderful, but its definitely not an easy road.
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