I am already getting quite excited for Christmas. I'll have to do some writing over the break, but a number of my friends who are studying on the West Coast will be back, and of course I'll get to do the family thing. I have an absurdly large family who I love to death (most of the time), and really the only downside I find from going away to school is that I miss a lot of events, all involving free food. As a grad student, I really like free food (I pretended to be interested in the Quebec election last night to get some free bread and fruit) and so only increases my wish to be at those events.
I'm already playing Christmas carols on my computer, and the roomie and I will be hosting people on Sunday night to do some decorating, maybe a few crafts and watch a holiday movie, while drinking spiked hot chocolate. It'll be great!
We're debating which movie to show, and it led me to thinking about my favourite holiday movies this morning, which I thought I'd share with you all...

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - hilarious. Utterly hilarious. My mom and I watch this every year and HOWL with laughter. The squirrel, the family, the lights.... as a grad student I also really enjoy Clark testing out his super slippery "non-nutritive cereal varnish". *Snort*
2. White Christmas - a wonderful musical from the 50s, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. I've watched this movie every year since I was re

Anyways, if you haven't seen any of these films, you simply must. Go. Now. I don't care if you're at work, or doing something actually productive *snort* but you must put it aside. Or Baby Jesus will cry. (As if I can't get through one post without snarkyness...)
Do we have Love Actually?? If so, that's my pick for Sunday. Forget White Christmas.
We do not have Love Actually as it was STOLEN from 152 Johnson.... if I found a cheap copy I would totally buy it though.
It is part of the 2 for 20 promotion at HMV right now.
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