At some point during our tenure at 152 Johnson Street, my roommates and I compiled a list. On this list were 10-15 men who we wanted to fulfill various tasks around the house for us, and when they weren't serving their duties, we decided would live in the basement. Some of these lucky guys were Jamie Oliver, who would be our cook, Hugh Grant, our butler, Patrick Swayze, our dance instructor…. The list changed over time as we became enamored of new guys but one was a constant. Chris Martin was to sing us to sleep every night. And we cackled as we used a British accent to whine 'But when are you going to let me go? I miss my children…', to which we would have obviously replied 'Shush Chris, sing 'Yellow' again!'.
He sang 'Yellow' to me on Tuesday night and it was amazing.
My friend Ash and I decided that we really wanted to see Coldplay as they were going to be in town, and braved the scalpers to finally score fairly decent tickets. The concert was absolutely amazing, the whole arena singing along and swaying to the music. Am now obsessed with the new album, most of which I heard at the concert. If you haven't listened to it yet, you simply must.
Yes his dancing was crazy, yes his voice is amazing and he held the crowd in the palm of his hand. I love going to concerts, the energy of the crowd, seeing what a band can do live… everything about them combines to create an experience that I always appreciate. Its taken a little while but I'm starting to really appreciate Montreal for everything it offers. For a long time I didn't see something I couldn't get in Ottawa, with less snow and a smaller commute. But this summer, getting to go to jazz fest, the beach, and Coldplay on a whim, has made me really appreciate what the city has to offer.
So of course I'm leaving. On Monday I'm off to the north of Quebec to do field work for my Masters, and I will try to use this blog to keep people updated. So stay tuned! I still have a lot to organize before I go, but am still not too anxious. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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