Friday, October 17, 2008

New things

Holy cats - I can do quantitative PCR! This whacky idea may come to fruition!
Have had an incredibly busy week of meetings, lab work, banging head against lab bench and social activities. Also managed to submit a big important scholarship application, keep your fingers crossed for me!
I find myself in an odd position of being very focused on what I'm working on right now, trying to keep a handle on my deadlines (all self-appointed but I love them so!) and think of what's next, but having to consider and think of the future.
I'm submitting job applications. As in REAL jobs, that would pay me more than the lower than the poverty line amount I currently receive (but am totally appreciative of of course, I like to eat). Jobs I could have for a while, rather than the 4 months stints I've done in the summers. If you know me, you know I LOVE to plan. Planning and me, such buddies. But I know that right now, whats important is whats in front of me, though thinking about cute office outfits is a good motivator on sleepy afternoons like today.
Anyways, off to Ottawa soon for a fabulous reunion with all my fabulous former Kingston roomates! So excited. Got to do a little bit more work before I go so ta for now!


Thirza said...

I am officially below the poverty line: I got a 'low-income' reimbursement check from the government.

AB said...

Me too! It's always a highlight...