I'm having a nerd freak out right now, as I am so amazed and into the recent results of the platypus's genome being sequenced by Australian researchers.
First of all, platypuses (platyipi? Wikipedia says that according to Latin rules the plural should be platypodes, I can't decide which sounds the best to me) are just plain awesome. A beaver with a beak which can be used to electrolocate in water? A mammal that makes VENOM to fight off reproductive competitors? It's simply amazing.
Results of the genome being sequenced, found here, show a mix of reptilian, mammalian and bird like traits. The fact that the genes which determine sex in platypi (ha ha) are most similar to birds is fascinating to me. These creatures are often seen as proof that the Creator has a sense of humour, but I see it more as another example of the creativity inherent in evolution. They have perfectly filled their niche by using a variety of completely disparate traits, and look absolutely adorable doing it.
(I'm sorry if you were hoping that a new post would be me talking about exciting exploits, but I have to admit my life is pretty boring these days, so this is actually an exciting event. Though making enchiladas last night was pretty good, I'll likely post my recipe here soon....)
I, too, being such a nerd, but a nerd of a different colour, can confirm that Platypi is incorrect. Platypus, despite the US ending is, in fact, a Greek derivative. Wikipedia is thus quite right in saying the plural is platypodes. The same is true of Octopus, although for both just sticking an ES on the end is entirely acceptable and in the OED (as well as my spellcheck). And who says classics has no use?
Oh, I can't wait to see your recipe ;). I finally added your link to the blogroll! Sorry it took so long.
I'm waiting for that enchilada recipe ...
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