So, another year has passed.
When we started approaching the New Year I was thinking about what had changed over the year and wasn't able to come up with much. I have the same job, live in the same place, with the same roommate, hang out with the same general set of friends... however, upon reflection I realized that while in general the things around me are the same, I have had some wonderful, well and not so wonderful, experiences which have helped me grow as a person, a teensy bit.
I got to spend more time in the Great White North - going past the Arctic Circle! This was shortly followed by a trip to Las Vegas where I learned how terrible I am at blackjack. I travelled a lot to the Tdot to help celebrate friends' weddings (and think I was a pretty awesome MOH for my BFF). Had some great car trips to other weddings, and such fun on the dancefloor (Gangnam Style!). I used kick boxing to deal with work stress, and oh yeah, ran (mostly) 2 5K races! While I have yet to conquer my oral exam, my French language skills have much improved. At work, I nearly ran myself ragged but took on a heavy responsibility and think I did a pretty good job of it. I tried to take more time for myself and be a good friend. And I learned a few more painful/awkward, but valuable, lessons about what I'm looking for in a a guy. But I have also created deeper relationships with some amazing people, reconnected with old friends (even in slightly embarassing ways) and have no regrets when I think of 2012.
I really have no idea what kind of post I'll be writing on December 31, 2013. I'm actually pretty likely to be in the same physical space/same job.... or not. I'm starting to think about where I want to be in 3-5 years (post the big 3-0 eek!) and maybe once I have a better handle on those goals, will be taking steps towards them. I could write this from Australia where I hope to visit my dear L. Maybe I won't be hanging out alone, but have someone with me. Who knows.
So far, I have 3 goals for 2013: run a full 5K ALL RUNNING; floss every day (or at least 5/7 days a week) and; don't expend my energy on people who don't deserve it. They're not changes that will dramatically impact my life (I think) but are part of the ongoing plan of being more of an adult and taking care of myself first.
What are your goals for 2013?
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Enough is enough
I was tired last night, and when at quarter to midnight I realized I hadn't broken out a post and said 'meh' (and kept reading my silly dragon book), I realized that was a sign from the universe.
I'm not going to finish NaBloPoMo.
And considering I'm pretty sure I blew my test today I am trying to take this as a lesson that I am NOT superwoman. There is a limit to my energy and time, and maybe a weekend trip to Toronto when I should have been cramming wasn't the best idea..... Sometimes I can make things work and sometimes I can't. That should be OK with me but at the moment it's really not.
So I am going to sit here and drink my wine and try to go to bed early and hope that tomorrow is a better day/by some miracle I passed my test and get to recapture my real life.
I'm not going to finish NaBloPoMo.
And considering I'm pretty sure I blew my test today I am trying to take this as a lesson that I am NOT superwoman. There is a limit to my energy and time, and maybe a weekend trip to Toronto when I should have been cramming wasn't the best idea..... Sometimes I can make things work and sometimes I can't. That should be OK with me but at the moment it's really not.
So I am going to sit here and drink my wine and try to go to bed early and hope that tomorrow is a better day/by some miracle I passed my test and get to recapture my real life.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sorry for the pause in posts again but I was off having a lovely weekend in Tdot with some of my besties. I was relatively restrained (as I remarked to one friend - it's only because I'm incredibly picky that I'm not amazingly in debt) but found some great stuff and had a wonderful time.
I couldn't help but remark upon several occasions this weekend though that thank goodness for technology. We absolutely relied on cell phones to keep in touch in the giant malls we were trolling through, dropped pins to find our way back to the cars and debate plans that were constantly changing! I also had a 'hallelujah' moment when I finished the really entertaining book I was reading and was able to download the sequel from the Public library's e-reading service almost immediately. Not that I was anti-social, but you need a little something to read through a 4 hour (slightly longer than anticipated too) train ride. It was great to catch up with my friends in person, do some retail therapy and of most importance - start my Christmas shopping!
But tomorrow real life will recommence and it will be almost d-day for my french test - going to try an all french blog tomorrow in preparation!
I couldn't help but remark upon several occasions this weekend though that thank goodness for technology. We absolutely relied on cell phones to keep in touch in the giant malls we were trolling through, dropped pins to find our way back to the cars and debate plans that were constantly changing! I also had a 'hallelujah' moment when I finished the really entertaining book I was reading and was able to download the sequel from the Public library's e-reading service almost immediately. Not that I was anti-social, but you need a little something to read through a 4 hour (slightly longer than anticipated too) train ride. It was great to catch up with my friends in person, do some retail therapy and of most importance - start my Christmas shopping!
But tomorrow real life will recommence and it will be almost d-day for my french test - going to try an all french blog tomorrow in preparation!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Packing logic....
... am off for a shopping weekend in Toronto and these are the (dumb, oh so dumb) decisions I make...
... wait to pack until the night before when your brain is bleeding French grammar...
... plan all my outfits around the $7 dollar sunglasses I bought at Ardenes today...
... keep getting distracted from packing by trying to plan my winter vacation...
... or Glee...
... pack a bigger bag than I really need to ensure I have room for purchases at the end of the weekend! (That is a SUPER smart decision btw)
... wait to pack until the night before when your brain is bleeding French grammar...
... plan all my outfits around the $7 dollar sunglasses I bought at Ardenes today...
... keep getting distracted from packing by trying to plan my winter vacation...
... or Glee...
... pack a bigger bag than I really need to ensure I have room for purchases at the end of the weekend! (That is a SUPER smart decision btw)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A life worth Simming
In 4th year of university, most of my roommates were addicted to the Sims 2. The Sims 2 was a mega step up from the first iteration as it let you test out couples before you started games, and you could see what kind of children they would likely create together. Thus, we were able, through some subtle adjustments to facial features, able to almost ensure only cute babies. Cute babies, well matched couples in stylish outfits, who lived in houses that I would usually furnish courtesy various cheat codes that got me extra money.... it is unsurprising that for a bunch of girls on the cusp of the end of our undergrads, facing a big scary world, the control inherent in the Sims was comforting.
At times I still wish life was like that. Having my career all mapped out for me, being able to build an addition onto my house whenever necessary, knowing if I'm going to make cute babies with guys I meet.... it's an attractive prospect. The real world can be tough. It's an adventure and the days that I pull it off it feels amazing, but there are still days when the uncertainty is tough.
But maybe I should live my life more like the Sims - make sure I take the time to develop my competencies (logic via chess but for that I hate chess), take the time to work on my friendships (it could advance my career after all) and make sure I sleep enough (overtired Sims absolutely weep, often when I have kept them up for way too long trying to develop their skills to get a promotion faster, ooh that's reflective of my life). But I should probably stop peering at guys' features to try and determine what's recessive and dominant.
At times I still wish life was like that. Having my career all mapped out for me, being able to build an addition onto my house whenever necessary, knowing if I'm going to make cute babies with guys I meet.... it's an attractive prospect. The real world can be tough. It's an adventure and the days that I pull it off it feels amazing, but there are still days when the uncertainty is tough.
But maybe I should live my life more like the Sims - make sure I take the time to develop my competencies (logic via chess but for that I hate chess), take the time to work on my friendships (it could advance my career after all) and make sure I sleep enough (overtired Sims absolutely weep, often when I have kept them up for way too long trying to develop their skills to get a promotion faster, ooh that's reflective of my life). But I should probably stop peering at guys' features to try and determine what's recessive and dominant.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
3 minutes to spare...
...but I just make it again!
Just home from seeing 'Cloud Atlas' - a touch unwieldy but definitely impressive. Amazing makeup and while the acting was a little over borne at times, it was super cool to see so many roles played by one actor at a time.
We are all bound together. Certainly something to consider.
Bedtime for me!
Just home from seeing 'Cloud Atlas' - a touch unwieldy but definitely impressive. Amazing makeup and while the acting was a little over borne at times, it was super cool to see so many roles played by one actor at a time.
We are all bound together. Certainly something to consider.
Bedtime for me!
Monday, November 12, 2012
You are being recorded
You know how most people hate to hear their voice on their own voicemail/other recordings? It's even worse if you have to listen to yourself butcher a second language, as I have spent part of today. I say um, I drop in random English words (wtf?). One week tomorrow to my language test so I have to keep it up.
French studying is made slightly better by watching the always entertaining Tout le Monde en Parle and Le Banquier so back to that, le sigh...
French studying is made slightly better by watching the always entertaining Tout le Monde en Parle and Le Banquier so back to that, le sigh...
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Today was about two kinds of remembrance for me.
Obviously today marked Remembrance Day. I was at home this morning and at 11:11 I paused my silly blog reading to stop and reflect on how lucky I was to have that luxury and to appreciate those who gave up all luxuries to defend my country and Commonwealth, and those who gave up their lives. I had two great uncles who thankfully survived WW2 and unfortunately both of those have now passed, but I thought of them as well.
Upon returning home this evening I took advantage of a bit of time and energy to finally start a project I've been mulling for a while. I had printed off a whole bunch of pictures and, nerdily enough, I am now making myself a little scrapbook to document all the fun of the past year or so. If I finish it in a timely fashion perhaps I'll share. It was such fun to flip through the photos, remember where and how they were taken and I'm glad I'm finally getting around to doing this.
I hope you took some time to remember our fallen heroes and perhaps your current heroes today.
Obviously today marked Remembrance Day. I was at home this morning and at 11:11 I paused my silly blog reading to stop and reflect on how lucky I was to have that luxury and to appreciate those who gave up all luxuries to defend my country and Commonwealth, and those who gave up their lives. I had two great uncles who thankfully survived WW2 and unfortunately both of those have now passed, but I thought of them as well.
Upon returning home this evening I took advantage of a bit of time and energy to finally start a project I've been mulling for a while. I had printed off a whole bunch of pictures and, nerdily enough, I am now making myself a little scrapbook to document all the fun of the past year or so. If I finish it in a timely fashion perhaps I'll share. It was such fun to flip through the photos, remember where and how they were taken and I'm glad I'm finally getting around to doing this.
I hope you took some time to remember our fallen heroes and perhaps your current heroes today.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Rec's from last weekend
So this time last week I was shopping up a storm in la belle ville. It was such a great weekend, another visit will certainly not be too far off.
I usually like to hit some of my favourites while I am in town (Ye Olde Orchard you will always be my favourite Montrael pub) but I actually hit three new places last week that were awesome that I wanted to spread the word on.
Saturday night we went to Holder to celebrate my dear x-ine's birthday. Great vibe, a fantastic Quebec cider by the glass and amazing steak frites. I definitely want to go back.
The next morning B and I hit up Universel for brunch. They had delicious fresh squeezed juice and the servings were plentiful (though it will never be the Baker Street - they moved people through a lot faster!).
Before we hit the train on Sunday evening we picked up cupcakes at La Glacerie. AH-mazing. Perhaps the best cupcakes I've had since New York City. They were fluffy, the icing was dense without being cloying.... x-ine and I brought a box of mini cupcakes back and I am a little sad to have just finished it off (hey I ran and did the 30 day shred this aft - I think I earned it).
A bientot Montreal!
I usually like to hit some of my favourites while I am in town (Ye Olde Orchard you will always be my favourite Montrael pub) but I actually hit three new places last week that were awesome that I wanted to spread the word on.
Saturday night we went to Holder to celebrate my dear x-ine's birthday. Great vibe, a fantastic Quebec cider by the glass and amazing steak frites. I definitely want to go back.
The next morning B and I hit up Universel for brunch. They had delicious fresh squeezed juice and the servings were plentiful (though it will never be the Baker Street - they moved people through a lot faster!).
Before we hit the train on Sunday evening we picked up cupcakes at La Glacerie. AH-mazing. Perhaps the best cupcakes I've had since New York City. They were fluffy, the icing was dense without being cloying.... x-ine and I brought a box of mini cupcakes back and I am a little sad to have just finished it off (hey I ran and did the 30 day shred this aft - I think I earned it).
A bientot Montreal!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Mon dieu this week felt long. Don't get me wrong - it was a blast, but I am so, so happy its Friday.
This weekend is my usual chock a block of to dos/get togethers/have to dos (laundry, groceries, one last run before it gets ABSOLUTELY miserable outside). I had a lovely evening out at the pub this evening with people who shall not be named as they are insistent on maintaining their internet anonymity - but I have to say I'm pretty chuffed to be in my bed at 10:30. A little bit of silly tv and then sleep for me.
This weekend is my usual chock a block of to dos/get togethers/have to dos (laundry, groceries, one last run before it gets ABSOLUTELY miserable outside). I had a lovely evening out at the pub this evening with people who shall not be named as they are insistent on maintaining their internet anonymity - but I have to say I'm pretty chuffed to be in my bed at 10:30. A little bit of silly tv and then sleep for me.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
On solitude
On the Myers-Briggs personality tests I hover on the line between Introvert and Extrovert (hush Liz). There are days when I NEED to talk to people and the idea of being stuck in a room with no external contact is one of my dearest conceptions of hell. But there are other times when I am the quintessential only child and I need some time relatively on my own (but still connected via twitter/bbm/e-mail/facebook) to recharge.
I had about two hours this evening, between two different social-ish events, to wander around downtown on my own. It was awesome. I went and cooed over way too expensive purses at Holts (bbming with the wonderful Bianca on advice), picked up a slightly unhealthy dinner on the go, and then moved to slightly more affordable pastures. I love shopping with my friends but there is something about wandering the stores on your own, being able to take your time/zip through sections as you wish that is so nice. Though I was doing a lot of groundwork for my next big shopping trip to the Tdot in just over a week, when I will have lots of friends to shop with. It is terrible but shopping is relaxing for me, I like puttering between stores, people watching and making snarky comments under my breath, audience or no. I do at least keep it to mainly WINDOW shopping. Despite that I brought home perhaps my fifth grey sweater (much to x-ine's derision but its the only one with ELBOW Patches), considering it was $30 and not over $300 as some of the purses I was eyeing, its not the worst habit in the world.
Crack is way more expensive.
I had about two hours this evening, between two different social-ish events, to wander around downtown on my own. It was awesome. I went and cooed over way too expensive purses at Holts (bbming with the wonderful Bianca on advice), picked up a slightly unhealthy dinner on the go, and then moved to slightly more affordable pastures. I love shopping with my friends but there is something about wandering the stores on your own, being able to take your time/zip through sections as you wish that is so nice. Though I was doing a lot of groundwork for my next big shopping trip to the Tdot in just over a week, when I will have lots of friends to shop with. It is terrible but shopping is relaxing for me, I like puttering between stores, people watching and making snarky comments under my breath, audience or no. I do at least keep it to mainly WINDOW shopping. Despite that I brought home perhaps my fifth grey sweater (much to x-ine's derision but its the only one with ELBOW Patches), considering it was $30 and not over $300 as some of the purses I was eyeing, its not the worst habit in the world.
Crack is way more expensive.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Missed a day! Shucks - but I was a little busy, having nerdy statistics based arguments at a bar full of policy wonks watching the returns of the American election. I was pretty pleased with the results, especially the number of really smart women elected to the Senate, as well as a number of men who would have done their best to impinge on the rights of women being laughed out of town. You did pretty good 'mericuh.
But that was my (counts in head) fifth night in a row of being out and about/drinking and good lord am I tired. Tonight's plan consists of laundry, cooking for myself, catching up on silly tv and hopefully a very early bedtime.
But that was my (counts in head) fifth night in a row of being out and about/drinking and good lord am I tired. Tonight's plan consists of laundry, cooking for myself, catching up on silly tv and hopefully a very early bedtime.
Monday, November 5, 2012
On friendship
It's only November 5th and I'm already getting in just under the wire - ruh roh...
En tout cas (French is seeping into my brain!) - I just had such a pleasant evening at my very dear S's. She made soup and curry, I brought bread and chocolate and another dear friend brought cookies. Afterwards we sat around and dished about career paths, education, dating... It was great.
Once I've made a friend intend to hang on to them. My very best friend and I have been friends for nearly 25 years and I have others in the 15 year range, more for nearly 10 years. As much as astrology is somewhat bunk - saying Virgos are loyal - yeah, that's me. Of someone is my friend I will give them the shirt off my back, the dollars in my wallet and as much time as I can possibly give. Over the years this generosity, and it's lack of reciprocity by some now former or less close friends, has hurt me. I often bend over backwards to make everyone feel included or to keep in touch with people and so am oth hurt and confused when others don't do the same. Over the years though, I like to think I've grown at least some and have been able to recognize that it is not an affront to me, but perhaps an indication that a specific person may not represent the best investment of my time. And I move on.
All that being said, I am often so grateful for my friends. They put up with and talk me through my neorotic moments, encourage me when I'm down or unsure, are great enablers/restrainers when necessary of my shopping habits. While we only joke about it at the moment, I think my circle of fellow only children will be a crucial resource in the future when we all have to deal with aging parents.
So as most of the people who actually read this blog are my actual friends I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks :).
En tout cas (French is seeping into my brain!) - I just had such a pleasant evening at my very dear S's. She made soup and curry, I brought bread and chocolate and another dear friend brought cookies. Afterwards we sat around and dished about career paths, education, dating... It was great.
Once I've made a friend intend to hang on to them. My very best friend and I have been friends for nearly 25 years and I have others in the 15 year range, more for nearly 10 years. As much as astrology is somewhat bunk - saying Virgos are loyal - yeah, that's me. Of someone is my friend I will give them the shirt off my back, the dollars in my wallet and as much time as I can possibly give. Over the years this generosity, and it's lack of reciprocity by some now former or less close friends, has hurt me. I often bend over backwards to make everyone feel included or to keep in touch with people and so am oth hurt and confused when others don't do the same. Over the years though, I like to think I've grown at least some and have been able to recognize that it is not an affront to me, but perhaps an indication that a specific person may not represent the best investment of my time. And I move on.
All that being said, I am often so grateful for my friends. They put up with and talk me through my neorotic moments, encourage me when I'm down or unsure, are great enablers/restrainers when necessary of my shopping habits. While we only joke about it at the moment, I think my circle of fellow only children will be a crucial resource in the future when we all have to deal with aging parents.
So as most of the people who actually read this blog are my actual friends I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks :).
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Lazy morning in Mtl
Greetings - I have already managed to be totally befuddled by the time change this morning so I think it's almost 9:30 but who the heck knows. Have had a great visit to Mtl, with lots of wine, good food and spending waaaaay to much money but thats the point. Currently mulling brunch/cupcake options. Mmmmm.... Cupcakes :).
Saturday, November 3, 2012
La belle ville
By the time you read this I will already be well installed in one of my favourite cities ever - la belle Montreal.
I'll have arrived there by drinking wine and eating free chocolates courtesy of Via1 - I've been getting pretty spoiled lately by taking it almost every time I travel by train but to be honest - it's really the only way to do it. Unlimited drinks, good food, not having to deal with the rabble scrabble.... bliss.
I love Montreal because I know it well enough to get around/use the transit systems yet every time I visit there is somewhere new and wonderful to discover. I can still wander the streets and get that little thrill when I realize I have arrived at one of my favourites (Juliette et Chocolate - yum!) but being open minded, can still find some super cool new favourites as well. I get to hear people use their super weird French but hopefully that means I get to practise my somewhat terrible French.
The people are way more stylish than here in the O-town, there is always something a little weird going down and the shopping is ever so much better.
Oh and did I mention its where some of my favourite people live? Am so excited to get to drink some wine, do some gossiping, shopping and get into some form of shenanigan. Will report back tomorrow on what went down (well, the stuff that is appropriate to report back on).
I'll have arrived there by drinking wine and eating free chocolates courtesy of Via1 - I've been getting pretty spoiled lately by taking it almost every time I travel by train but to be honest - it's really the only way to do it. Unlimited drinks, good food, not having to deal with the rabble scrabble.... bliss.
I love Montreal because I know it well enough to get around/use the transit systems yet every time I visit there is somewhere new and wonderful to discover. I can still wander the streets and get that little thrill when I realize I have arrived at one of my favourites (Juliette et Chocolate - yum!) but being open minded, can still find some super cool new favourites as well. I get to hear people use their super weird French but hopefully that means I get to practise my somewhat terrible French.
The people are way more stylish than here in the O-town, there is always something a little weird going down and the shopping is ever so much better.
Oh and did I mention its where some of my favourite people live? Am so excited to get to drink some wine, do some gossiping, shopping and get into some form of shenanigan. Will report back tomorrow on what went down (well, the stuff that is appropriate to report back on).
Friday, November 2, 2012
Accomplished - or am I?
My last post before NaBloPoMo kicked off was about my newfound hobby of running. I am pleased to announce that I did manage to keep it up and on September 23rd I ran/walked a 5K with a time of 39:03 - just squeaking under my self imposed goal of under 40 minutes. A few weeks later, to support the local charity campaign, I ran/walked another in 38:23.
I was, to be totally honest, absolutely flabbergasted I beat my time on the second race - it was a windy day, a hilly course and once we started, I was almost immediately at the back of the pack. My very dear X-ine was waiting for me at the finish line though to cheer me on (and I had Gangnam Style pounding in my ears) and so I pulled it off.
That's generally how I roll - I pull things off. Even if I start at the back of the pack/with less money/unsure of the subject, I do OK in the race/at running a program/passing a test. And it did work for running and I am so proud of myself but even though I am good at 'pulling things off' I am also a perfectionist so I still want to do better. Especially at work, I know that people think I do great work but there's always that little voice pushing me to do better. We won't get into the psychological ramifications of it ABSOLUTELY being my Mother's voice that I hear.
So - what's next then? I'm trying to keep up the running, or will as long as the weather is still halfway decent and the goal for next year is to run a FULL 5K. There will definitely not be any 'pulling that off' so here's hoping I can develop a little discipline, and don't get too comfy on the couch, over the winter.
I was, to be totally honest, absolutely flabbergasted I beat my time on the second race - it was a windy day, a hilly course and once we started, I was almost immediately at the back of the pack. My very dear X-ine was waiting for me at the finish line though to cheer me on (and I had Gangnam Style pounding in my ears) and so I pulled it off.
That's generally how I roll - I pull things off. Even if I start at the back of the pack/with less money/unsure of the subject, I do OK in the race/at running a program/passing a test. And it did work for running and I am so proud of myself but even though I am good at 'pulling things off' I am also a perfectionist so I still want to do better. Especially at work, I know that people think I do great work but there's always that little voice pushing me to do better. We won't get into the psychological ramifications of it ABSOLUTELY being my Mother's voice that I hear.
So - what's next then? I'm trying to keep up the running, or will as long as the weather is still halfway decent and the goal for next year is to run a FULL 5K. There will definitely not be any 'pulling that off' so here's hoping I can develop a little discipline, and don't get too comfy on the couch, over the winter.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Well, here we are again.
I last did this two years ago and while that was a crazy month of changing jobs/meeting a boy, it was nice to have a little routine so we're going to try again.
How are you? Apologies for being so incommunado, it's been a busy fall. I am currently in FULL TIME French training. It's great as it will definitely help my cheminement de carriere, but it doesn't prevent it from kind of being a pain in the ass at times. It was at first nice to escape my crazy busy office and just focus on my language but I am now starting to miss being in the mix - less than 3 weeks to test day though!
Anyways, what is to come this month? A few trips, finally breaking a self imposed shopping embargo, I am sure I will ruminate on my neuroses and my attempts to ignore them, whatever silly news items catch my attention (am a little TOO into various European Royal families at the moment) and whatever else it takes to write a post a day a month.
See ya tomorrow!
I last did this two years ago and while that was a crazy month of changing jobs/meeting a boy, it was nice to have a little routine so we're going to try again.
How are you? Apologies for being so incommunado, it's been a busy fall. I am currently in FULL TIME French training. It's great as it will definitely help my cheminement de carriere, but it doesn't prevent it from kind of being a pain in the ass at times. It was at first nice to escape my crazy busy office and just focus on my language but I am now starting to miss being in the mix - less than 3 weeks to test day though!
Anyways, what is to come this month? A few trips, finally breaking a self imposed shopping embargo, I am sure I will ruminate on my neuroses and my attempts to ignore them, whatever silly news items catch my attention (am a little TOO into various European Royal families at the moment) and whatever else it takes to write a post a day a month.
See ya tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
I recently pinned this:
I spent about a half hour running around my neighbourhood this evening. Not all running, more than half that time walking, especially after making it to the top of a way steeper hill than it looks.
Why? Because I was ambitious/dumb enough to sign up for the Army Run at the end of September. I signed up this in, um.... June? Let's just say I didn't keep to the workout schedule I envisaged and am now staring down a somewhat scary distance in less than 6 weeks. Thank goodness Z (my race buddy) e-mailed me expressing similar sentiments today.
But I've now laid out the training schedule, pinned up the race course in my cube so that I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye to remind me to not eat that giant italian sandwich two hours before I'm supposed to go for a run (Dirienzos - delicious, but dangerous), and am resolved.
Let's hope my stubborn nature can work this out, otherwise if someone could pick me up along the side of the canal 6 Sundays from now around - that would be great.

I spent about a half hour running around my neighbourhood this evening. Not all running, more than half that time walking, especially after making it to the top of a way steeper hill than it looks.
Why? Because I was ambitious/dumb enough to sign up for the Army Run at the end of September. I signed up this in, um.... June? Let's just say I didn't keep to the workout schedule I envisaged and am now staring down a somewhat scary distance in less than 6 weeks. Thank goodness Z (my race buddy) e-mailed me expressing similar sentiments today.
But I've now laid out the training schedule, pinned up the race course in my cube so that I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye to remind me to not eat that giant italian sandwich two hours before I'm supposed to go for a run (Dirienzos - delicious, but dangerous), and am resolved.
Let's hope my stubborn nature can work this out, otherwise if someone could pick me up along the side of the canal 6 Sundays from now around - that would be great.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Pinterest Challenge!
Yes, yes, I know it's been a while (Chantal :P). But summer time is not the best for sitting around a computer, it's a time for sun and fun and this year, lots and lots of weddings. Pictures to come, I promise.
So what has brought me skulking back to the blog? Well, if you know me, I've probably mentioned my love for the blog Young House Love. John and Sherry are the authors of the blog who talk about their DIY approach to gorgeous home renovation. And much like me, Sherry has an unhealthy love for Pinterest.
She proposed last a week a 'Pinterest' challenge, where people actually act on something that inspired them off that site. Now if you check out my Pinterest account here you'll see that there's a lot of fashion and not so much home reno since I live in a condo and really have no intention of tearing down walls anytime soon. However, I have been tried to get a bit more organized as well as allowing myself time for reflection at the end of the day (trolling twitter is not exactly a restful thing for my brain).
Thus, I was inspired by and wanted to put my own spin from this idea. After hemming and hawing about what I want to jot down at the end of the day, along with the ongoing suggestions from my awesome trainer Burke (goodness this post is link heavy) - I came up with this:
It responds to my neurotic side and trying not to repeat an outfit within three weeks, my wish to be aware and proud of what I learn and accomplish each day, to take the time to enjoy some tunes and be more active. I'm planning on printing off a bunch and seeing how I do with taking the time at the end of each day and seeing what I put down.
Maybe it'll even spur a few more blog posts here and there... :)
So what has brought me skulking back to the blog? Well, if you know me, I've probably mentioned my love for the blog Young House Love. John and Sherry are the authors of the blog who talk about their DIY approach to gorgeous home renovation. And much like me, Sherry has an unhealthy love for Pinterest.
She proposed last a week a 'Pinterest' challenge, where people actually act on something that inspired them off that site. Now if you check out my Pinterest account here you'll see that there's a lot of fashion and not so much home reno since I live in a condo and really have no intention of tearing down walls anytime soon. However, I have been tried to get a bit more organized as well as allowing myself time for reflection at the end of the day (trolling twitter is not exactly a restful thing for my brain).
Thus, I was inspired by and wanted to put my own spin from this idea. After hemming and hawing about what I want to jot down at the end of the day, along with the ongoing suggestions from my awesome trainer Burke (goodness this post is link heavy) - I came up with this:
It responds to my neurotic side and trying not to repeat an outfit within three weeks, my wish to be aware and proud of what I learn and accomplish each day, to take the time to enjoy some tunes and be more active. I'm planning on printing off a bunch and seeing how I do with taking the time at the end of each day and seeing what I put down.
Maybe it'll even spur a few more blog posts here and there... :)
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thoughts from a business trip
.... I'm rather sick of planes.
.... knowing I can expense my lunch is fun but I start to really miss actual food/my food (ie. I craved Dirienzos alllllll week).
.... the worst stuff you can watch on an airplane is the best. I was pretty stabby during a plane ride that was over three hours delayed that was going to give me less than four hours sleep before getting up to catch the NEXT plane but Terra Nova and New Year's Eve got me through it. (Though note to producers - there is no way in hell SJP and Zac Efron could be brother and sister. Ever.)
.... I can actually survive without blackberry/wifi contact but am still very relieved when I get back into cell/twitter/e-mail range.
.... Stuffed bears in airports is officially hilarious.

.... there is never any reason to unpack the night you get home. Nope. Not happening.
.... I may get on the plane with Starbucks but by the time I get up there, I am a northern girl.
.... People would come visit me right?
.... knowing I can expense my lunch is fun but I start to really miss actual food/my food (ie. I craved Dirienzos alllllll week).
.... the worst stuff you can watch on an airplane is the best. I was pretty stabby during a plane ride that was over three hours delayed that was going to give me less than four hours sleep before getting up to catch the NEXT plane but Terra Nova and New Year's Eve got me through it. (Though note to producers - there is no way in hell SJP and Zac Efron could be brother and sister. Ever.)
.... I can actually survive without blackberry/wifi contact but am still very relieved when I get back into cell/twitter/e-mail range.
.... Stuffed bears in airports is officially hilarious.
.... there is never any reason to unpack the night you get home. Nope. Not happening.
.... I may get on the plane with Starbucks but by the time I get up there, I am a northern girl.
.... People would come visit me right?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Broken - but Repaired - Heart
It may be Valentine's Day but I'm not quite as bitter as the title of this post would have you think.
Today I am getting past the single girl blues and simply being happy to be here with my wonderful friends and family. Today is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day, and I am one of more than 180,000 Canadians who live with a congenital heart defect.
I was diagnosed with a severe coarctation of the aorta in summer 1998, when I was 13. Thanks to amazing surgeons at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, a graft was put in place of my severely narrowed aorta and I now live a basically normal life, now with ongoing monitoring by the Adult Congenital Clinic at the Ottawa Heart Institute.
It was a total fluke that I was diagnosed and I am enduringly grateful for that - defects such as my own are all too often only discovered by the sudden death of a youth (such as is often seen in hockey players).
While I am currently quite healthy, knowledge that my heart is already weaker than most means that I need to (and am starting to truly) take greater responsibility for my health and its maintenance. February is also Heart and Stroke month and I really appreciate the work of Joannie Rochette in raising awareness around the importance of women's heart health. So while I may bitch about it, I am hitting the gym more these days (beyond just trying to look hawt wearing a bridesmaids dress in the spring). Because I won't always be single on Valentines Day, and I want as many of them as possible.
If you have a chance, please check out excellent organizations such as: the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Take the time today to think about those that love you, want you around for as long as possible, and see if you can't help make that happen.
Today I am getting past the single girl blues and simply being happy to be here with my wonderful friends and family. Today is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day, and I am one of more than 180,000 Canadians who live with a congenital heart defect.
I was diagnosed with a severe coarctation of the aorta in summer 1998, when I was 13. Thanks to amazing surgeons at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, a graft was put in place of my severely narrowed aorta and I now live a basically normal life, now with ongoing monitoring by the Adult Congenital Clinic at the Ottawa Heart Institute.
It was a total fluke that I was diagnosed and I am enduringly grateful for that - defects such as my own are all too often only discovered by the sudden death of a youth (such as is often seen in hockey players).
While I am currently quite healthy, knowledge that my heart is already weaker than most means that I need to (and am starting to truly) take greater responsibility for my health and its maintenance. February is also Heart and Stroke month and I really appreciate the work of Joannie Rochette in raising awareness around the importance of women's heart health. So while I may bitch about it, I am hitting the gym more these days (beyond just trying to look hawt wearing a bridesmaids dress in the spring). Because I won't always be single on Valentines Day, and I want as many of them as possible.
If you have a chance, please check out excellent organizations such as: the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Take the time today to think about those that love you, want you around for as long as possible, and see if you can't help make that happen.
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