Friday, April 10, 2009


So after a slow start to the week, writing at home punctuated by doctor and other appointments (oh coming home is fun, dentist time!) my Wednesday and Thursday were crazy. I started the extractions that I'm doing here, and so spent two days grinding up bark and swallowing enough of it likely that I think I have drastically reduced my chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Or increasing my chances of lung cancer, whatever.
But progress is being made and that's whats important! We've also already farmed out part of my analyses that aren't going to be part of my thesis but will likely be part of a big paper afterwards, and hopefully will do the same for at least a few of the others. The good part of being part of a big interdisciplinary research project such as I am is that there are many different techniques you can learn, along with PIs you can talk with and get advice from. The downside is that many PIs creates many more people who have ideas for the thing that will just MAKE your paper, and you start to panic when you think of all of the different tests that will require, and time is getting tight to finish your thesis. However, we are also lucky enough to be well funded and can often to hire people to do some of those analyses.
In any case, it's really quite pleasant being at home again. Free food, both in grocery form and being taken out to dinner, seeing the fam, seeing my friends who live here. I think coming back here to live once I start working will be A-OK, especially if my mom keeps buying me cute sweaters. What? I need to expand my professional wardrobe, I'm told that my pilly fleece pullovers which are SO comfy are not office appropriate *pout*.
Update on the computer front: is still acting whacko, may actually need to buy a new once but am hoping to get through all my analyses on this one and then finish the writing on the new one, which will likely be a Mac and I am afraid of learning new software while writing a thesis.
Update on hockey: Habs are in the playoffs! Yay! Sens are not, but at least finished ahead of the Leafs! As I just jeered to my father across the dining table, 'We may both be losers but we're better losers than YOU.' Sometime I wonder how I made it out of childhood without being murdered by one of my parents, I'm sure I deserved it a few times....

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