Monday, September 19, 2011


That is indeed how old I am now. Eesh. I had no issues with 25, was even pretty excited for it and nary a quarter life crisis but now... C'mon, I'm closer to 30 than 20! that is NOT COOL.

Though at times I talk (and text) like I'm 13.

With all the extra work pressure and many outside of work commitments, ie. Weddings weddings weddings, I have been feeling as though I should be more mature. A bit more considered in my actions, more organized, less of a potty mouth. I may not have a boyfriend but I could read a smart book, instead of the Romance novels which are my current bread and butter of literature. (Vogue counts right? The last one I bought had a profile of the new head of the IMF).

And then this weekend I went to a friends birthday party. I went with another friend and on the way over we agreed to split one bottle of wine and head out by 11:30, max.

The night ended past 2 am, in a MacDonalds, after playing (and losing hard) Kings Cup, drinking way more than half a bottle of wine, asking acquaintances 'so - you still employed?' when I know they are likely on the chopping block, and flirting with a boy who I later discovered was very much taken.

And I had a BLAST. I'm 26, not dead, and I still have some fun in me. I'm going to continue to try new things, but am also going to continue enjoy the things I like to do, however immature. I'm going to return to New York City with 2 fabulous ladies and have a ridiculous time. I am going to let myself unwind on the weekends, and if that involves sleeping in, lazing about, spending my hard earned money on frivolous items and booze - SO BE IT.

I'll do my best but am not promising, to keep you informed of my exploits. Commitments of any kind are still a bit beyond me and that's ok.

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