Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eyugh, my head

Roomie and I just watched the VP debate. Sometimes aghast at Palin's sheer effrontery, to try and claim that she does not discriminate against homosexual couples (HELLO - you call it a CHOICE, you clearly are discriminating), that drilling is really the way to improve the energy and climate change problems in the state (I think she's just mad there's just a whole bunch of caribou in the north that she's not allowed to shoot at from a helicopter), that she actually understands foreign policy (she says foreign leader names the same way Bush does, that isn't it AWESOME she pronounced it right?!), and so on and so on....
I think Biden pulled it off in the end. I loved it when he said how horrible Cheney has been, he clearly ran the table when it came to foreign policy, he's actually been to Chad (to her, its something you might consider to name a baby) and even his reference to his family tragedy, though veered dangerously into sap zone, just showed his humanity which I think will only reassure all the independent and centrist women who have been so offended by Palin's nomination.
She didn't terribly fumble, no terrible answers but the number of answers she didn't answer was pretty significant and she definitely lost steam towards the end. Most pundits are already saying that it was essentially a tie, but one that will not hurt the Obama campaign, and I think his numbers will just keep going up *knock on wood*. (UPDATE! Polls are showing that most people who watched are calling it for Biden, finding him more knowledgable.)
While we watched the VP debate, we had the Canadian debate on mute. We're bad Canadians, I know, but our minds are already made up. It did do my heart good though to see Elizabeth May in there swinging, she had a good burn moment at Harper. I don't think that Harper will be getting the majority, but I am fairly certain that but for a major event, Dion will not be the leader of the Liberals for the election after this one. I'll miss him.
All the stridency has given me a bit of headache though, will head to bed quite soon. I've gotten a fair amount done this week, taking on a big challenge next week, let's see how this all goes. As a grad student I feel quite insulated from the world (P.S. If you haven't seen it, check out the recent PhD Comic on the economy and its impact on grads), but I do intend to enter it quite soon. I've been applying for a scholarship to get a policy degree so I've been reading a lot more. I keep saying I want to save the world. I have a lot of work ahead of me....

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