Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Accomplishments and balance

I got home tonight from bootcamp (with my usual workout buddy x-ine AND my dear friend S., who survived 3 minute winds sprints along side us tonight), and as I do, started scrolling through twitter as we made dinner to see if I had missed anything. I had, the news of Steve Jobs' very sad passing has come through.

Now I am writing this post on my I.Pad. The products he created impacted my life and truly changed the world around us. I saw someone on twitter tonight saying that he will some day be compared to the likes of Edison and I fully agree. He died too young but it cannot be said he did not accomplish a great deal in his life.

To be honest, I did not actually accomplish much today, I mainly sat in meetings, but while at times I sat and couldn't help but think about all the work I could have been doing at the same time, I was intellectually engaged and talking about relevant things. I struggle at time with balancing the rest of my life with my recently ramped up work commitments and part of the problem is that I (for the most part because I am human) like my job. It is challenging and interesting, I think I am doing some good while I am also being given the opportunity to grow. I, again for the most part, like the people I work with and want the 'team' I am on to succeed. So it's hard to turn my brain off, hard to leave when I have more to do and as of tomorrow I will be receiving a crack berry (so I'll now be carrying around 2! RIM should send flowers) which will make it all the harder. But I'm kind of ok with that. Because in the long run, it is part of what I want to accomplish in my life. Probably won't have quite the impact of Steve Jobs but there will be one from me, just give me time and more caffeine as fuel.

(PS I would very much like it for men younger than my father to stop dying please, he is thank goodness quite healthy, but one of my other major accomplishments in life I am striving for will be to see him as the awesome grandfather I know he will be. Just gotta work on the father of those kids still...)

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