In any case, when its just grad students, staff and professors on campus, I think we all become somewhat cheerier and relaxed. One way this is reflected is in clothing choices people make. Just this afternoon I saw a number of different categories of summer academic dress represented:
Nerdy grad student (either sex): T-shirt from a conference/with an equation on it, ratty shorts, Tevas.
Hipster grad student (female): T-shirt from American Apparel over leggings without any sort of skirt or something. Odd gladiator sandals that do nothing to improve the look of their pasty legs. Accessories include 80s sunglasses and cigarettes.
Hipster grad student (male): Tight pants, Vans, Obscure t-shirt, same accessories as above.
Reasonable grad student (female, AKA me): Cute jeans, flip flops, bright tank and coordinating scarf to complement the designer bag currently holding most of my life.
Reasonable/cute grad student (male): Nicely fitting but not TOO fitting jeans, polo shirt, aviators, messenger bag.
I need a few categories for professors:
Geeky science prof (co-ed): Very close to the grad student (ie. hasn't changed their style in at least 10 years), but usually are wearing the tevas with socks (shudder).
Humanities prof (male): Inexplicable brown cordoroy jacket, mustard yellow shirt and black pants. I am not joking. I wish I were.
Humanities prof (female): Hippie skirt with button up shirt that don't quite match. Birkenstocks.
Sporty prof (co-ed): Waaaaaay too tight/ short jogging/biking outfit. Seriously. No.
Awesome prof, either science or business like (female, AKA who I would want to be one day): Nice chinos with a very cute bright button up blouse. Comfortable yet stylish sandals paired with a discreet yet designer bag.
I'm sure there are more but these are the ones I noticed today. If you have another category do let me know. Now for another great part of summer, Friday beers!
Which category do I fall under?
Adorable of course!
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