So I have returned from South Carolina!
It was gorgeous. Seriously. Usually I am not a hot weather girl but when its hot and the palms are swaying and there's a candy coloured city to expore I seem to be OK with it. Especially if the exploring includes shopping, ESPECIALLY especially if it includes shopping for hilariously preppy sandals at stores that we do not have in the Great White North. Stores that sound like Cay Drew. I could've spent a lot of money there, I should get a prize for restraining myself.
But hey, I did get a prize! For best student presentation! I must admit to being quite shocked, there were many wonderful talks, including many by PhD students. The advisor told me that it was quite rare actually for a Masters student to get it. So I was quite humbled and am very appreciative of it. Both of the moolah involved and the encouragement it provides.
All week, especially post talk, people asked where I was going to be doing my PhD after finishing up my Masters. For the most part, they were quite understanding when I said I was going to be stepping away from academia for the forseeable future, even saying it was a really good idea. But almost all encouraged me to return. When I decided last year that I was going to step away it was during a time that I now admit I was quite ill, quite stressed and quite sick of being in the lab when I was mainly running troubleshooting. A year later, when I have some really interesting data in hand, I am less certain of my previous statements that I will never return to the Ivory Tower. I do still have my concerns, namely about teaching and the impact it would have on me having a family at some point, but I now feel more certain that if this bureaucracy thing doesn't work out, the PhD is a very doable option.
So yes, Charleston was hot and beautiful and awesome. Though I was a little nonplussed by the cars driving around with 'JESUS SAVES' flags on them.
I am however happy to be back and especially sleeping in my own bed again. While I didn't mind all the travelling this week, I was not impressed with the fact that the airline almost lost my bag on the way down and actually did on the way back. Further, upon recieving my bag today it seems it had something heavy on it, for my shampoo and conditioner bottles are rather smushed and there is stuff all over some of the pockets. I have been meaning to jettison this bag for a while however and so this seems to be a sign. I'm going to get some in fluorescent green this time, I'm tired of peering at seemingly indistinguishable black roller bags.
Slept in this morning, went for lunch with another runner in the race towards finishing a MSc by August, shopped (am looking for a small bag that will go across my chest to take to Italy, any ideas?). Then had coffee with the roomie on a lovely patio, made dinner and saw the Hangover with roomie and J. HILARIOUS. You must go see it. It made me want to go to Vegas.... and not to any of the things they ended up doing, silly boys. So a pretty great day, another relaxed one tomorrow and then back to the lab on Monday - will finish the last assay this week and then write write write!!
P.S. Have I mentioned I'm going to Italy here? I AM! In October! So excited. It's a very generous graduation gift by the parentals, it's a definite motivator to get this done. If you have any advice/stories about going to Venice/Florence/Rome, do let me know!