Monday, April 7, 2008

But will I have more fun?

This weekend was so nice, slept in both days, got some work done but mainly just kicked back. Friday night had to be dragged to the gym complaining bitterly but I guess I felt better for having done it. Saturday rolled out of bed in time to go sit at the hair dressers for 4 hours, walking out.... a blonde. Or nearly so. I did it because spring was in the air, and I wanted something new. Also because as I have said several times I refuse to become a schleppy grad student, wearing scruffy jeans and sneakers, my hair never cute. Today I am wearing a cute grey knit top with a pink scarf - so cute!
Let's just hope that this doesn't make me even more of a ditz than I usually am though. So far haven't done anything insanely dumb, *knock on wood*...


Chantal said...

I need visuals! I am dying to see this new look!

x-ine said...

ooh a blonde! Both my roommates are blondes, am I allowed to make blonde jokes? :p

Liz said...

The verdict is in ladies, she's not actually dumber, but she's using the blonde hair as an excuse for the regular old blonde moments.