Yes, yes, I know it's been a while (Chantal :P). But summer time is not the best for sitting around a computer, it's a time for sun and fun and this year, lots and lots of weddings. Pictures to come, I promise.
So what has brought me skulking back to the blog? Well, if you know me, I've probably mentioned my love for the blog Young House Love. John and Sherry are the authors of the blog who talk about their DIY approach to gorgeous home renovation. And much like me, Sherry has an unhealthy love for Pinterest.
She proposed last a week a 'Pinterest' challenge, where people actually act on something that inspired them off that site. Now if you check out my Pinterest account here you'll see that there's a lot of fashion and not so much home reno since I live in a condo and really have no intention of tearing down walls anytime soon. However, I have been tried to get a bit more organized as well as allowing myself time for reflection at the end of the day (trolling twitter is not exactly a restful thing for my brain).
Thus, I was inspired by and wanted to put my own spin from this idea. After hemming and hawing about what I want to jot down at the end of the day, along with the ongoing suggestions from my awesome trainer Burke (goodness this post is link heavy) - I came up with this:
It responds to my neurotic side and trying not to repeat an outfit within three weeks, my wish to be aware and proud of what I learn and accomplish each day, to take the time to enjoy some tunes and be more active. I'm planning on printing off a bunch and seeing how I do with taking the time at the end of each day and seeing what I put down.
Maybe it'll even spur a few more blog posts here and there... :)