.... knowing I can expense my lunch is fun but I start to really miss actual food/my food (ie. I craved Dirienzos alllllll week).
.... the worst stuff you can watch on an airplane is the best. I was pretty stabby during a plane ride that was over three hours delayed that was going to give me less than four hours sleep before getting up to catch the NEXT plane but Terra Nova and New Year's Eve got me through it. (Though note to producers - there is no way in hell SJP and Zac Efron could be brother and sister. Ever.)
.... I can actually survive without blackberry/wifi contact but am still very relieved when I get back into cell/twitter/e-mail range.
.... Stuffed bears in airports is officially hilarious.
.... there is never any reason to unpack the night you get home. Nope. Not happening.
.... I may get on the plane with Starbucks but by the time I get up there, I am a northern girl.
.... People would come visit me right?