As promised, I'm back again, to tell you about my weekend in the wonderful Montreal. I got to return to my second favourite city ever (the home town has to take first) to hang with some of my very favourite people in the whole world.
X_ine and I kicked things off with a little train drinking (first, see her looking very serious reading, I was playing with my i.Pad and took a sneaky picture of her. If botany doesn't work out, I may try the spy game).

Upon arrival, we followed that drink with several margaritas in short succession to take advantage of having arrived in town during happy hour, with my FORMER roomie Liz. X_ine went off to hang with her boy but Liz and I kept going with more good friends with my masters days, following that with a little tipsy shopping (which is either hilariously or in a concerning way becoming a habit). Lesson of the evening? I am too old for Forever21.
Saturday Liz and I did some major retail therapy (I again wail: 'Whhhhhhhhhy does Ottawa not yet have an H&M???) and then in further fashion pursuits, I went with another long time friend who now lives down the street from my old apartment to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit at the Musee des Beaux Arts. The clothes were beautiful but the mannequins with faces projected onto them, especially the one that LOOKED like Gaultier to welcome you to the exhibit... straight up creepy.

The rest of the weekend involved more drinks, frozen yogourt (another thing to add to the list that Ottawa needs NOW. Pick my flavours? Mix them? Choose my own toppings? SIGN ME UP FOR MORE), and today brunch and a teensy bit more shopping (which is the last of that for the rest of the month, le sigh, my VISA card will be weeping soon).
I love having the people of Montreal, and even the city itself, in my life. I didn't realize how much I missed it until the train ride in when I started getting bouncy, which only amped up once the train was pulling in and I saw the skyline. It's great to go there, know where I'm going, what I want to do - but always have new things to discover with some pretty amazing people. I need to get better at getting down there, it is honestly incredibly cheap and convenient, though thanks to both of our busy weekends both X-ine and I were quite tired, and are making it an early night. But as I said last time, this is the time of my life to have super fun weekends and get through Monday will liberal amounts of latte.
So there you go, my weekend in Montreal. I may whine and moan about what it has that Ottawa doesn't, but it is just down the road...