Life has changed a lot in the last couple of months for me. I have settled into my new job and really enjoy it. Most (yes most but hey I'm pretty junior) days I am intellectually stimulated, busy, and am always working with great people. Beyond my immediate co-workers, I've made great friends with people hired through the same process as me. At the moment, while a PhD is a tempting set of letters to have behind my name, the working life seems to be keeping me for a while.
On the home life, family dynamics have changed a bit. I lost my grandfather in February, whom I adored. I still miss him terribly but know he is in a better place. It has resulted me in taking more time to appreciate my family and wonderful friends. Next weekend I'm taking my grandmother on a lovely trip to Stratford! (Though the train trip going through the T-dot during the G20 weekend is going to suuuuuuuuuuck. I will be drinking.)
In further family news, both of my parents are now retired and are around all the time, the cue for me to MOVE OUT. I have bought my own condo! I move in a week and a half and am currently writing this post to procrastinate from packing, but that's OK. Looking for a place was a bit of a process but with the help of a great agent, I found a spot for myself where I think I will be really happy. I will definitely keep you updated on decorating - having more time on my own will hopefully result in more blogging. We'll see I guess!